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Coronavirus19 5i: Warning Dr. Bryan Ardis etc.: GENE vaccines = snake venom 01


Dr. Bryan Ardis   Dr.
                  Ardis in the interview part 1   Chinese Krait (lat.: Bungarus multicinctus)   Chinese king cobra (lat.: Ophiophagus hannah)
Dr. Bryan Ardis [1] - Dr. Ardis in the interview part 1 [2] - Chinese Krait (lat.: Bungarus multicinctus) [5] - Chinese king cobra (lat.: Ophiophagus hannah) [4]

presented by Michael Palomino (April 13, 2022 - translation May 3, 2022)
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Thesis: The "GENE vaccination" is an injection with snake venom

First, in certain regions snake venom was put into drinking water
As early as 2020, it was reported that snake poison could have triggered symptoms in the drinking water, which are called "Corona" today. In April 2022 Dr. Ardis presented his analyzes and is even telling more:

Dr. Bryan Ardis   Dr.
                  Ardis in the interview part 1  
Dr. Bryan Ardis [1] - Dr. Ardis in the interview part 1 [2]

Corona is a drinking water contamination with snake venom, and peptides from snake venom was found in the so-called "corona vaccinations", and some of the side effects also correspond to the snake poison of Chinese royal cobra and Chinese krait. I think the following: considering how "Corona" spread first in some regions only (region of Wuhan, northern Italy, then in Iran, here, here, and there, then in South Africa and England at the same time, and in 2019 in Spain as sewage water probes have shown etc. ), then it is not unbelievable that the drinking water was "enriched" with a little bit of snake poison to provoke "Corona", and in the "corona vaccines" then there are higher concentrations of snake poison. Then "everything fits" and this maneuver does not cost much at all!

It is just important to see:
-- The bats in Wuhan during winter when "Corona" was reported having spread these bats had just hibernation time
-- The symptoms of "Corona" and the symptoms of the gene vaccinations are largely the same with the effect of snake venoms.

So many coincidences are NOT possible.

In the Corona vaccinations is concentraited snake venom
The thesis that Corona and corona vaccinations are snake venom provoking side effects or death is right for 99%. This concerns about 30% of the vaccinated with light side effects, and 0,8% of the vaccinated with heavy side effects by the SNAKE POISON vaccination.

And all the mRNA science seems only a distraction and is WRONG!

So it could also be to heal instantly the GENE vaccination damages with snake venom cures: "antiserum", homeopathic remedies for snake bites such as Lachesis or Ophiophagus hannah (King's cobra), or also antibody medicaments against snake venoms, and in general also dialysis will better life after a snake venom injection, and there is the elimination of metals (graphene oxide) with alga cures etc.

The symptoms after a "GENE vaccination" which is a SNAKE VENOM vaccination
(see the list of symptoms on the Corona virus index)

About 30% of the people with a "corona vaccination" have the "simple" side effects: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, deafness, tingling, sweating, and often an eternal tiredness because the blood is broken (Blood broken 1, 2, the red blood cells are not intact any more, oxygen is not transported any more, there is a chronic lack of oxygen in the whole body, this provokes chronic tiredness).

About 0.8% of the people with a "corona vaccination" have medium to serious side effects or a deadly "side effect" with a "flash death". With every new vaccination, it is 0.8% more. Hospitals and clinics know about it. In alternative media the following side effects are often reported: dizziness and loss of coordination (nerve damage), fainting, headache (brain damage), eye damage with a blurred view (eye damage), fever, pain everywhere, rapid heartbeat / elevated pulse (heart damage 1, 2, 3), blood pressure is like a roller coaster, blood clotting is bad (poor blood clotting), blood damage with crumpled or stacked, red blood cells (blood broken 1, 2), heavy shock in the blood vessels, cramps, weakness, breathing problems, rash, itching, rash with bubble formation, swelling of the entire arm where the vaccination was put (vaccination arm), paralysis, thrombosis (blood clots+thrombosis), hyperallergic reactions (anaphylaxis), women get enormous pain in the lower abdomen, sometimes menstrual cramps and mens without end or no more mens, or mens after menopause, or many vaccinated people are euphoric with racism against unvaccinated and show an anti-social behavior (psychological development goes down) etc.

Symptoms at the puncture site at the vaccination arm with a "corona vaccination" are often: bleeding, change of color, swelling, sometimes the whole arm is swollen, burning feeling, and sometimes the complete vaccination arm remains without movement like paralized (vaccination arm).

There are dead after the "Corona vaccination" occurring, among other things, by: Death from breathing paralysis, respiratory arrest, death from cardiac arrest, heart attack, heart muscle inflammation (heart damage 1, 2, 3), circulatory collapse, death from brain stroke, brain inflammation, brain vein thrombosis, brain hemorrhage (brain damage 1, 2) , death by blood clots in the brain, death by thrombosis on the heart, death by white fiber thrombosis, death through pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, death of unborn babies by cardiac arrest without end (murder of unborn 1, 2) etc. etc. Here are all the reports:

in German:
13d. Gengeimpfte: schwere Nebenwirkungen 01 (ab 7.6.2021) - 02 (ab 19.6.2021) - 03 (ab 1.7.2021) - 04 (ab 13.7.2021) -
         05 (ab 27.7.2021) - 06 (ab 7.8.2021) - 07 (ab 4.9.2021) - 08 (ab 1.10.2021) - 09 (ab 22.10.2021) - 10 (ab 19.11.2021) -
         11 (ab 15.12.2021) - 12 (ab 9.1.2022) - 13 (ab 29.1.2022) - 14 (ab 27.2.2022) - 15 (ab 1.4.2022) - 16 (ab 20.4.2022) -

13f. GENimpfmord / Impfmord nach Genimpfung (oft Blitztod) 01 (ab 7.6.2021)  -  02 (ab 10.7.2021) - 03 (ab 6.8.2021) - 04 (ab 3.9.2021) -
       05 (ab 22.10.2021) - 06 (ab 25.11.2021) - 07 (ab 10.1.2022) - 08 (ab 28.1.2022) - 09 (ab 12.2.2022) - 10 (ab 21.2.2022) -
       11 (ab 4.3.2022) - 12 (ab 15.3.2022) - 13 (ab 29.3.2022) - 14 (ab 9.4.2022)

So, and now we take a look at the effect of snake bites:

The symptoms of snake bites in general - are like a "GENE vaccination"!
-- The scheme about symptoms after snake bites generally shows: The poisonous effects are: dizziness, fainting, increased thirst, headache, eye damage with a blurred view, fever, pain everywhere, rapid heartbeat / elevated pulse, blood pressure is like a roller coaster, heavy shock in the blood vessels, cramps, loss of coordination, weakness, breathing problems / breathing difficulties, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, deafness, tingling, sweating, and at the location of the bite: bleeding, marks, change of color, burning feeling, swelling [web02]

                with the symptoms after a snake bite (general
                information, no special snake)
Scheme with the symptoms after a snake bite (general information, no special snake) [3]

-- The snake toxins are different and can also cause different symptoms, depending on the victim
-- Important factors are human health and the amount of snake toxic in the bite
-- After a few minutes or hours of swelling, cell damage and tissue damage can occur, possibly necrosis [web02]
-- The mental shock of being bitten by a snake has an effect, even if the snake bite is not fatal, e.g. with fear, uncertainty, and high pulse [web02]

-- Generally, snake toxins usually provoke nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea [web02]

-- Strong snake poisons paralyze the victim with nerve poison (nerve paralysis, muscle paralysis, heart arrest, respiratory arrest), accompanied by thirst, headache, eye damage with a damaged eyesight [web02]

-- Strong snake toxins also destroy the blood in the victim and provoke difficulties in blood clotting: "Hemotoxins, on the other hand, primarily affect the blood and provoke disorders in blood clotting." In this way, inner bleedings and thrombosis are possible: "This can lead to inner bleeding or favor the development of dangerous thrombosis." [web02]

-- If snake venom gets into the eye, the victim can become blind [web02]

-- In the case of a bitten person, the snake venom can develop a simple infection, but the reaction of the body can be an allergic one, an over-reaction up to danger of life [web02]

You can see now: the effect of snake poison and the effect of a "Corona vaccination" (for those who have medium to serious side effects) are the SAME. That can't be a coincidence!

Symptoms of a snake bite of the Chinese king cobra (lat.: Ophiophagus hannah): Like the "GENE vaccination"!

Chinese king cobra (lat.: Ophiophagus hannah)
Chinese king cobra (lat.: Ophiophagus hannah) [4]

The king cobra is more of a poisonous krait
The king cobra is not a real cobra but is more related to the poison kraits (lat.: Bungarus). King cobra lives in dense and damp forests in Southeast Asia from India to China to Philippines (Bangladesh, Myanmar (Burma), Cambodia, China, including Tibet, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines (Balabac, Jolo, Luzon, Mindanao, Mindoro, Negros, Palawan), Thailand, Vietnam). The king cobra is an element of rites and cults in India and Thailand. Snake charmers brag how they manipulate and stimulate the poisonous king cobra. As a precaution, the king cobra is sometimes "milked" before the theater is performed (the snake poison was removed), or the poison teeth are even pulled out [web04].

The snake bite of the king cobra is rare, but when there is one then it's often fatal
--"The bite often leads to death in humans due to the high amount of poison" [Mossad Wikipedia web01]
-- The amount of how much snake poison the victim has received is decisive, e.g. 350 to 500mg, the fatal dose is 1.80 mg per kg of the victim:
"Ophiophagus Hannah (Adult) can inject the considerable amount of 350 to 500 mg of poison secretions (dry weight) according to Minton (1974). According to Broad et al. (1979), the middle lethal dose is approximately 1,80 mg/kg (mouse, s.c. ). " [Web03]
-- Accidents with bites of king cobra are rare because the snake avoid human settlements. Affected groups are workers in the jungle, wards of a zoo, and the snake charmers [web01]
-- In the case of a snake bite of the king cobra against mice, 0.3 to 3.5 mg of snake poison is injected [web01]
-- In humans, deaths are documented within 20 minutes to 12 hours [web01], without treatment, the venom of a king cobra kills in 1.5 to 10 hours [web04], the fatal outcome of the reported cases is 50 to 60% [web03]

Now see the ingredients and their effects
--The snake poison of the king cobra is nerve poison ("neurotoxic") [web01], paralyzes the central nervous system [web04] and destroys the blood vessels ("blood vessel-destroying components") [web01], similar to the effect of the native venom with bow and arrow "curare" [web04]
-- In the snake poison of a king cobra are nerve poisons ("post-synaptic neurotoxins") with an effect on the vegetative and somatic nerve system: nicotine receptors are blocked, paralysis is provoked, e.g. there is a paralysis of an eyelid (ptosis), but also total paralysis is possible or fatal breathing paralysis is possible [web03]
-- In the snake venom of king cobra, also cells venoms can be found ("cytotoxins"): cell walls are damaged, cells and tissue die with necrosis as a result [web03]
-- In the snake venom of king cobra there is also small amounts of proteases (peptidases) [web04], which can split proteins (proteins) and peptides [web05]: The result is the elimination of muscle cells and of cells of the heart muscle [Web05]
-- In the snake venom of king cobra is also one of the three-finger toxins (beta-cardiotoxin), which acts specifically on the heart ("cardiotoxic"): the heart beat is reduced (bradycardia) [web03]
-- The nerve poisons of the king cobra are blocking the synapses (these are the transition points of the electrical impulses from the nerves to the muscles) [web04]

Now see the symptoms after a bite of king cobra
-- At the bite's location: pain, swelling, reddening of the skin (erythema), itching, possibly also bladder formation and death of the tissue (necrosis) [web03, web04]
-- Symptom: strong swelling that can expand on the entire arm or the entire leg (limbs) [web01]
-- Sweating, salivation, nausea, vomiting (emesis), headache, diarrhea, dizziness (vertigo), pain in the abdomen, cramps, racing heart (tachycardia), or reduced heart rate (bradycardia), low blood pressure (hypotension), shock, circulatory failure with death consequences [web03]
-- Swallowing disorders, eye damage with a blurred view [web04]
-- Euphoric conditions with hallucinations [web04]
-- The nerve poison can gradually cause paralysis, starting with paralysis of the eyelid (ptosis) to fatal breathing paralysis [web03], with a full bite there is always breathing paralysis [web04]
-- Paralysis of the entire skeletal muscles, general paralysis symptoms [web04]
-- Vomiting, low blood pressure [web04]
-- The nerve poison in the snake bite of the king cobra can lead to respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest [web04]
-- Symptom: respiratory arrest, e.g. after 90 minutes [web01]
-- If the snake bite is not treated, infections ("secondary infections") can occur, allergic reactions, wound infections, hyper allergic reaction with attack on your own organs (sepsis), kidney damage [web02]

So, you can see that the effects of snake poison of king cobra and of a "corona vaccination" (for those who have medium to serious side effects) are the SAME. That can't be a coincidence!

What should you do after a snake bite of a king cobra
-- Lying in a horizontal position, transport to the hospital in a lying position, tying (compression method), when there is a breathing arrest there must be ventilating, antibiotics against sepsis, tetanus prophylaxis, shock prophylaxis, infusion with a salt solution (0.9%) for kidney protection, apply an opposite poison from India and Thailand [web03]
"According to a bite by cobras, the application is indicated with the first appearance of neurotoxic effects. The following products are available, for example:
-- Polyvalent Anti Snake Venom Serum (Producer: Central Research Institute, India)
-- King Cobra Antivenin (Thai Red Cross Society, Thailand)" [web03]

-- Case: A bite victim has a respiratory arrest, antidotes are: ventilation and an "antiserum", so that the patient was healed in 10 days [web01]
-- The administration of the antiserum can also lead to an allergic reaction to an anaphylactic shock - and because of this, an antiserum should only be given by a medical doctor [web06]

-- Against snake poisoning are working antibody medications [web09].

Symptoms of a snake bite of the Chinese krait snake (lat.: Bungarus multicinctus)

Chinese krait (lat.: Bungarus multicinctus)  
Chinese krait (lat.: Bungarus multicinctus) [5]

Poisonous kraits and the snake bites: at dusk or during sleep
The poisonous adders (lat. Elapidae) have many subspecies. One of the most poisonous subspecies are the kraits (Latin: Bungarus) in Southeast Asia. They live in earth caves or in termite buildings and eat small vertebrates, especially other snakes [web07]. Kraits eat lizards, other snakes, snake eggs (they are ophiophageus), and they even eat the offspring of their own kind from other caves [web08]. - The snake bite of the krait (like a thorn) usually comes at dusk or at night when the snakes are active and can only hardly be seen. People step on the snake and the bite is the answer. The krait snakes also penetrate into houses at night and bite people [web07] when people sleep on the floor [web08]. Often the snake bite is not even noticed [web07]. Sometimes it is a "dry bite" without giving poison fluid, so the victim can be lucky [web08].

"The relevant species vary depending on the region, most of the heavy poisoning in Pakistan, India and Nepal with Bungarus Caeruleus, B. Sindanus and B. Walli, in Sri Lanka with B. Caeruleus, in Bangladesh with B. Caeruleus, B. Niger and B. Walli, in Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia with B. Candidus, and in China, Taiwan and Myanmar Bungarus Multicinctus [4]." [web07]

Let's have a look at the ingredients and effects of the snake toxic of the adders snakes
-- all types of poison of the adder snakes are highly toxic [web07], the poison teeth are only 2-3mm long, and depending on the type and situation, approx. 8 to 30mg are injected, but 6-10mg are already fatal in humans [Web08]
-- there is especially nerve poison (neurotoxic): The main components are "the polypeptide α-bungarotoxin and the protein β-bungarotoxin which has an
enzymatic effect and occurs in at least 16 different forms."

-- Paralysis: Synapses are blocked: "α-bungarotoxin blocks in a post synaptic way the signal transmission of nerves to muscles and thus leads to paralysis of the muscles" [web07]
-- Paralysis: The signal transmission to the muscles is blocked: "The β-bung arotoxins are blocking in a pre synaptic way the signal transmission to the muscles and also causing also paralysis." [web07]
-- The β-bungarotoxins provoke paralysis after a certain time, and this paralysis can last for months [web07]

"Typical initial symptoms are strong abdominal cramps and paralysis of the facial muscles, which then extend to the entire skeletal and respiratory muscle system." [web07]

-- temporary also a memory loss occurs in up to 50% of the survivors which lasts 12 hours to 8 days [web07]

Now lets see the symptoms after a bite of the Chinese krait (Bungarus multicinctus)
-- headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness [web08]
-- Allergic reactions: "Coughing, breathing difficulties, hives, itching, increased secretion of the mucous membranes [running nose] etc.", "larger pain" [Web08]
-- circulatory shock [web08]
-- paralysis (paralysis) by interrupting the signals between the brain and the muscles (blocking of the transmitter) [web08]
-- cramps and tremors [web08]
-- Long lasting paralysis: rigid view, rigid facial muscles, swallowing is not possible any more, paralyzed tongue, then paralysis of arms and legs, then paralysis of breathing - death by breathing arrest with full consciousness, only 50% of the hospitalized patients survive without treatment, the other 50% die within 12 hours [web08]
-- Treatment in the hospital: Artificial ventilation, many patients fall into a day-long coma with memory loss [web08]

Quote (translation):
"In the case of a bite of the krait snake, depending on the type and situation, only approx. 8-30 mg of the poison are injected. Approx. 6-10 mg have already a fatal effect in humans. At the beginning of poisoning, there are unspecific general symptoms in humans, e.g. headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, dizziness. But there can also be a circulatory shock in the early stage. Then the development is going on and in the foreground stays a neurotoxic effect: The highly potent poisons block the communication between the brain and the muscles. They attack peripheral, not central, because they would not be able to overcome the blood-brain barrier. At the beginning, the transmitter release is blocked, which leads to a phase of paralysis. Then a phase of the massive overexitement follows with cramps and tremors. In the third phase a long-lasting paralysis is developing. Depending on the victim and the amount of poison, these three phases can vary in their clinical expression.

Typical first signs of poisoning are gaze view because of the paralysis of the eye muscles and the eyelids (heavy upper lids), then the facial muscles become stiff, the paralysis is also coming to the limbs and finally to the respiratory muscles provoking finally the death by respiratory arrest - with full consciousness. From the hospitalized patients there is a rough half of the patients who suffer within treatment death by fatal respiration standstill within 12 hours. Mortality can be effectively reduced by artificial ventilation. Nevertheless, a lot of patients may fall into an unconsciousness (coma) for days and suffer a memory loss." [web08]

You can see here that the effect of snake poison and "Corona vaccination" (for those who have medium to serious side effects) are the SAME. That can't be a coincidence!

Treatment of poisonous snake bites
-- After the respiratory arrest must be an artificial ventilation [web07]
-- Up to 20% of artificial ventilation cases fall into permanent-consciousness [web07]
-- Against snake poisoning there are antibody medications for healing [web09].

So how you will heal a poisoning by a SNAKE VENOM vaccination which is called a "Corona vaccination" by the "high mafia"? Dialysis - Lachesis C30 - antibody medicaments against snake venom + blood group nutrition
-- Homeopathy: Take Lachesis C30 (costs little)
-- Make dialysis (blood laundry) (costs a lot, but also benefits)
-- Take antibody medication against snake poison (has an effect!)
-- And always blood group nutrition.

                vaccination = snake venom - and heals with dialysis
                (blood washing) - Lachesis C30 - antibody medicaments
                ag. snake venom + the healing process can be reinforced
                with blood group nutrition
Corona vaccination = snake venom - and heals with dialysis (blood washing) - Lachesis C30 - antibody medicaments ag. snake venom +
the healing process can be reinforced with blood group nutrition [6]

And to get the metals (graphene oxide) of the "corona vaccination" out, take algae pills or other homeopathic remedies can be taken. The naturopathic practitioners and homeopaths know.

So when you are going to get a "Corona vaccination" you should have a remedy against snake bites always with you!

<<       >>

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Thesis: The "GENE vaccination" is an injection with snake venom  First, in certain regions snake venom was put into drinking water -- The symptoms after a "GENE vaccination" which is a SNAKE VENOM vaccination -- About 30% of the people with a "corona vaccination" have the "simple" side effects -- About 0.8% of the people with a "corona vaccination" have medium to serious side effects or a deadly "side effect" -- The symptoms of snake bites in general - are like a "GENE vaccination"! -- Symptoms of a snake bite of the Chinese king cobra (lat.: Ophiophagus hannah): Like the "GENE vaccination"! -- Symptoms of a snake bite of the Chinese krait snake (lat.: Bungarus multicinctus) -- Treatment of poisonous snake bites -- So how you will heal a poisoning by a SNAKE VENOM vaccination which is called a "Corona vaccination" by the "high mafia"? Dialysis - Lachesis C30 - antibody medicaments against snake venom + blood group nutrition

[web01] Königskobra: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Königskobra
[web02] Schlangenbiss: Symptome, Erstmaßnahmen, Häufigkeit und Vorbeugung: https://www.schlangen-in-deutschland.de/schlangenbiss.php
[web03] Königskobra: https://flexikon.doccheck.com/de/Königskobra
[web04] Königskobra, Ophiophagus hannah: https://www.goruma.de/tiere/reptilien/giftschlangen/koenigskobra-ophiophagus-hannah
[web05] Peptidasen (Proteasen): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peptidasen
[web06] https://www.goruma.de/tiere/reptilien/giftschlangen/koenigskobra-ophiophagus-hannah
[web07] Giftnattern (Kraits): https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kraits
[web08] Bungarotoxine: http://www.bernhardpeter.de/Heraldik/Apotheke/Gifte/Bungarotoxine.htm
[web09] https://de.abcdef.wiki/wiki/Snake_antivenom

Quote original in German:

"Bei einem Biß der Krait werden je nach Art und Situation nur ca. 8-30 mg des Gifts injiziert. Ca. 6-10 mg wirken bereits tödlich beim Menschen. Am Anfang einer Vergiftung kommen beim Menschen unspezifische Allgemeinsymptome vor, z. B. Kopfschmerzen, Übelkeit, Erbrechen, Unterleibsschmerzen, Durchfall, Schwindel. Es kann aber auch bereits im Frühstadium zu einem Kreislaufschock kommen. Im Vordergrund des weiteren Verlaufs steht die neurotoxische Wirkung: Die hochpotenten Gifte blockieren die Kommunikation zwischen Gehirn und Muskeln. Sie greifen peripher an, nicht zentral, denn sie würden die Blut-Hirn-Schranke nicht überwinden können. Anfangs wird die Transmitterfreigabe blockiert, was zu einer Phase der Paralyse führt. Dann folgt eine Phase der massiven Übererregung mit Krämpfen und Zittern. In einer dritten Phase kommt es zu einer länger anhaltenden Paralyse. Je nach Opfer und Giftmenge können diese drei Phasen in ihrer klinischen Ausprägung variieren.

Typische erste Anzeichen einer Vergiftung sind ein starrer Blick wegen der Lähmung der Augenmuskulatur und der Augenlider (schwere Oberlider), dann erstarrt die Gesichtsmuskulatur, die Lähmungen erfaßt auch die Gliedmaßen und schließlich die Atemmuskulatur, was schließlich zum Tod durch Atemstillstand führt - bei vollem Bewußtsein. Von den hospitalisierten Patienten kommt es bei ganz grob der Hälfte der Patienten innerhalb von 12 Stunden ohne Behandlung zu einem tödlichen Atemstillstand. Die Sterblichkeit kann durch künstliche Beatmung effektiv gesenkt werden. Trotzdem fallen sehr viele Patienten in eine unter Umständen tagelange Bewußtlosigkeit (Koma) mit Gedächtnisverlust." [web08]

Photo sources
[1] Dr. Bryan Ardis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mo5q2z7W50 (2'14'')
[2] Dr. Ardis in an interview part 1:
[3] King cobra: symptoms after snake bite: https://www.schlangen-in-deutschland.de/schlangenbiss.php
[4] Chinese king cobra: https://japari-library.com/wiki/King_Cobra

[5] Chinese krait: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/441634307198052302/
[6] List of remedies against snake bites or Corona vaccination: Michael Palomino 2022

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