                          Mother Earth is for ALL - www.med-etc.com -
                          Dec 4, 2022

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Sociology and medicine etc., index

Book of Life with Mother Earth*

Natural medicine heals more than chemistry.
Michael Palomino, Nov 23, 2020

Mother Earth with the
                              posture of deep respect

by Michael Palomino (since 2014)
Michael Palomino on Facebook -
on VK - videos: on Bitchute (videos) - Bitchute old version - on YouTube (videos)

Topics examples:
Nature index


                              is here and all are only watching, e.g.
                              dumping radioactive waste in the Atlantic
                              of over 100,000 tons
Book: Hell is here and all are only watching, e.g. dumping over 100,000 tons of radioactive waste in the Atlantic
Pflichtelternkurs: Familie ist
                                    ein psychologisches Gebilde
Compulsory course for parents
child abuse Mozart
Child abuse, e.g. Mozart
agriculture WITHOUT
                                          pesticides: e.g. bloom strips
Agriculture WITHOUT pesticides: e.g. bloom strips

Agriculture: Permaculture
NO pesticides
                          in Brighton
with walls 1m thick

Book: tricks in agriculture (version 3 - pdf)
turn desert into forest
blood group nutriton
Blood group nutrition heals many "unhealable" things
List 0 - list A -
list B - list AB
combined list

-- Patient book 
-- Albert Schweitzer 
-- Food against radioactivity  
-- soapstone  
-- ivy tea  
-- Trick box 4p pdf

-- Notes
-- Sodium bicarbonate
-- Anise
-- Fennel
-- Coconut oil
-- Silver water
-- Garlic
-- Zeolite  
-- Apple cider vinegar  
-- Pains
-- Heal cancer
-- Nutrition in general   
-- Asparagus  
-- Oxygen 
-- Natural antibiotics 
-- Colors heal
-- egg shell powder  
-- toxic coffee  
Renewable Energies index  

Tsunami of La Palma!

NO e-car with lithium battery!

NO wind turbine 02 - 03

Corona and Covid madness

Coronavirus is a mortal madness
-- Coronavirus (covid-19) index  with symptoms - remedies - warnings - vax damages - vax murders - mask madness - test madness - news etc.
See the trap: influenza virus="Corona virus" - influenza viruses are ALWAYS "Corona viruses" - link

Healings: discharge / elimination of the "Corona vaccination"
5m5: healings with zeolite - note zeolite: metals+poisons go + the blood is regenerated
5m6: healings with CDS: spike protein is destroyed, take it for 3 months (protokoll C)
5m7: food with shikimik acid: Docking sites for spike protein are blocked + blood clots are prevented: Pine needle tea (pine needles, silver fir needles, red fir needles, etc.), fennel seed tea, star anise tea, black cumin tea.

Flyer from Nov 7, 2024
Flyer from Nov 6, 2024: Elimination of the Corona vaccine + replacement of pesticide food (whole grain, coffee, orange juice, banana, wine etc.) - pdf A4 sheet with 6 flyers to print - cut - distribute - pdf link

Facts about "Corona": it's only about stock exchange+killings!
-- A VIRUS CANNOT BE VACCINATED because a virus is always mutating!  
-- 1 of every 200 batches is mortal: analysis of the VAERS data ("USA") since Nov.17, 2021: link
-- control the batch (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J) if it was a mortal one: https://eventimages.de/jabquest/
-- control the batch with Mr. Craig Paarddekooper Jan.8, 2022: https://howbad.info/  -  https://www.howbadismybatch.com/

-- SNAKE POISON+Coronavaccinations: same "side effects":
30% "light" effect, 0,8% heavy effects!
   Comparison Corona vaccination=snake venom 01 - Snake venom in Cor vaccines news 01 - List

-- SNAKE VENOM in patents of Cor. vaccines - Oliver Janich web site (Apr.27, 2022) - video  
-- SNAKE VENOM is key ingredient of "Cor. vaccines" - Dr. Love (Apr.14, 2022)  
-- SNAKE VENOM: Videos on Bitchute with Dr. Ardys part 1 - part 2 - part 3  

-- 5 points against mask madness (e-mail May 20, 2022):  
   CO2 - Petri dish - microplastic - speech development is hindered - itching+rash 

Some warnings
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warnings by Clemens Arvey (Austria) (no development time)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warnings by diverse doctors  
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warnings by Dr. Vanessa Schmidt 01 (general) - 02 (lethal nano particles)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warnings by Dr. Cahill  (mass death in 6 months, challenge test)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warnings by Dr. Tenpenny (mass death in 6 months, challenge test)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warnings by Dr. Madej (deads, organ failure, code 666 etc.)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warning by Dr. Yeadon (ex Pfizer vice president - mutations NOT dangerous)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warning by Dr. Bhakdi (PCR test is NOT a test! - over reaction in 6 months)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warning by GB President Johnson (mass death in 6 months)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warning by Dr. Peter McCullough (forbid cr. gene vaccinations!)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warning by Luc Montagnier  (vaccination curve=death curve)
-- lethal gene vaccinations Warning by Dr.Roger Hodkinson (sterilization of men + women)

-- lethal gene vaccinations Warning by Dr. Charles Hoffe (micro trombs, D dimer test, cancer)

Warnings from a plandemic and MASS MURDER (all the panic of 2020 is projected since 2007)
-- Warning by Jesse Ventura in 2010: "USA" with Fusion Centers, defamations, ccs, coffin storage, HR645
-- Warning by Deagel with the population table of 2025

-- London offers project for more body storage (morgues) in 2021-2025 (June10, 2021)  

-- Flyers 1: Healing Corona19 01: sodium bic.+apple cider vinegar, cannabis oil
-- Flyers 2: Healing Corona19 02: sodium bic.+apple cider vinegar, silver water 
-- Flyers 3: NEVER vaccinate! Gene vaccination is prohibited+warnings 

-- Corona19 statistics Worldometer
(decisive is the numbers of deads)
-- Corona19 statistics OurWorldinData (infections+deads in one)

Truther news (with about 90% quote to be true):
News of today: link  

Telegram Info: CH: UNgeimpft - Stand - kennen - Basel2020 - Tobler - Freie - Tell - Rimoldi - Knobel - Bittel - TV - Walter -
Wahrheitsgruppen Schweiz: Freiheitliche FBS - Freunde der Verfassung - WIR - Aufrecht - MassVoll - Freiheitstrychler - maskenfrei.ZH - Uncut - CoronaTransition - CoronaRebellen CH - Free Speech CH etc. 
Ö Zukunft - Auf1 - Magnet - D: Anti - Reit - Hom - Freie - Ken - Janich - Schubert - Reichelt - Fakten - alles - News - wirklich - 24 - Booom - Q+++ - 2.Welle - fuf - Friede - 10min - Klartext - Thomas - Murat - Vivo - Irle - direkt - Prinz - Wahrheit - Gruppe - Heintz - Attila  - BlackoutNews - Anonymous - Zukunft - Antiill - Echte - Freie - Unrechtstark - Lion - auf - Heimat - Crazy - USSF -
ENGL: Freedom - Best - Ariyana - Edward - Real - World -  It: Libertà -
Ukraine D: Stimme - Ukraine ENGL: John - IL D: Meinungs - IL ENGL: QudsNews - RealWorldNews - AlQuds -
Telegram Med D: Impfschaden CH - Pflegepersonal
- Shedding D-A-CH - Impfschaden D - Shot - impffrei - Injektion - Covid19 - nein-danke - QuerProblem - Graphene: Agenda - CDL: Kalcker - CDL Selbsthilfe - Ärzte - Covidiothek - RA Ludwig - info - ausleiten - unerwartet - Impfschaden Ö - Impfschaden Südtirol - Rose - Klartext - Shedding: Shedding D-A-CH - She. UNgeimpfte - She.Opfer CH - She.Opfer Diskussion - She. Dr. Alina Lesseninch - She.21 - Angehörige -
Telegram Med Ukr+Ru: Impfschaden Ukr+Ru -
Telegram Med ENGL: Injuries - Yeadon - Kennedy - Med ESP: La Quinta - GranMentira - Efectos - LibertadUniversal -
Telegram Chemtrails D: HAARP/Wettermanipulation - Wetteradler - F: Chemtrails - France - RU: Chemtrails -
Zensur überwinden D: Gelöschtes - gelöschte Videos hier ansehen -

: e.g. (Mad justice does not protect mankind from destructive atomic power)

search on this+other web sites of M.Palomino   Internet

Suchmaschine FreeFind,
                                        Logosite search by freefind


Since 2017, this web site is fought by certain groups of medical doctors and NWO mafias.

But there is natural medicine and logic so 90% of illnesses can be healed by oneself. Precondition is a healthy earth and food being grown without chemistry and without manipulations. And one should maintain it's own body without manipulations.

Some people also have crazy reactions when I state clearly that big dogs and fighting dogs are a danger in flats and in little houses. Wolf = fighting dog. Bear = fighting dog. A world without fighting dogs is more peaceful for sure than with these beasts.

Healings with baking powder or bicarbonate: cancer heals within 10 to 30 days (90% success rate), in the same way are healing diabetes, kidneys, asthma (vaccination damage), allergies (vaccination damage) and more complex illnesses. The rest of 10% heal with blood group nutrition, fruit extracts, special food etc. within 3 to 6 months. Pharma lab assistants only know formulas and have NEVER healed anybody, they don't know what a human body is.

Direct social topics

Secondary topics of sociology

Working station

  • Architecture (index)
    "Climate change" by arquitecture: the earthship makes it all - without costs for heating any more:
    Earthship house e.g. in Brighton -
                                pioneer arquitect Reynolds - tires
                                filled with earth forming a room
    Earthship house e.g. in Brighton - pioneer arquitect Reynolds - tires filled with earth forming a room
  • Book: HELL IS HERE - but all are only watching (index, Palomino)
    13. Modern deluge 01 - 21. Worldview by wisdom - 25b. Impossible prison conditions: Thailand with blackmail, torture, and murder - 40-22: dumping of nuclear waste into the sea by GB+F - Video log - 57. The criminal sect of commanders - 58. Terrorist whistle of colonialism - 66-2a. Electric car - Lithium mining is genocide

  • Fables (of Toribio Anzarin Injante)


The landlord

Secondary topics of sociology

Renewable energies - music - nature - "medicine" and medicine - psychology - language courses - Steiner terrorism - traffic - guide for a comfortable towns - bike tours - dictionary - children web site

Renewable energies (index)

Music (index)

Mozart as a child: he never was
                                allowed for having a normal childhood

e.g. CHILD ABUSE with Mozart

Nature (index)
(Plants, animal world, moon, tricks in garden+agriculture etc.)

Status 2018: Almost 60% of the animal world is threatened with extinction
It's a gigantic holocaust of nature in progress.
a) with HAARP climate games - b) with criminal pesticides - c) with forest destruction
d) with the radioactive uranium ammunition of the criminal NWO-NATO


                                nature, e.g. a beautiful butterflydinos,
                                e.g. a Camarasaurus
About dinos, trees, forest, dog, birds, cat,
butterflies, grislies, dolphins and so on
forest life
Forest life
Dry stone wall Geothermal pit
                                            greenhouse Walipini with
                                            warmth of the earth
                                            erleichtert das Leben
-- Moon wisdom  
-- Moon=satellite= white+hollow
                                                      preparation with
                                                      the sun (solar
                                                      water): the
                                                      desinfection works
                                                      with the sun's UV
                                                      radiation: fill
                                                      the PET bottle to
                                                      3/4 with tank
                                                      water, shake well
                                                      1 minute, put it 6
                                                      to 8 hours in the
                                                      sun or during
                                                      cloudy weather 24
                                                      to 48 hours
                                                      outdoors somewhere
                                                      - very fine
                                                      drinking water
                                                      comes out.
Solar water in 6-8h
with UV radiation

Agriculture without pesticides 01: IT'S POSSIBLE - AND FARMERS SAVE COSTS FOR PESTICIDES (!!!)
Pesticide free
                              agriculture, e.g. on Singing Frogs Farm of
                              Mr. Paul Kaiser in California  Pesticide free
                              agriculture, e.g. on Singing Frogs Farm of
                              Mr. Paul Kaiser in California  flower
                                            strips (bloom strips) reduce
                                            pesticides by up to 61%  in the forest edge
                                many useful animals are living
                                eliminating the bad animals (pests)
Pesticide free agriculture, e.g. on Singing Frogs Farm of Mr. Paul Kaiser in California - flower strips (bloom strips) reduce pesticides by up to 61% - in the forest edge many useful animals are living eliminating the bad animals (pests)

How works pesticide free agriculture: Small fields on Paul Kaiser's Singing Frogs Farm in California - the soil animals are different depending on the vegetables planted, so the pests have NO CHANCE - and the farmer can SAVE the money for pesticides.
Pesticide-free agriculture: flower strips (bloom strips) in large fields reduce pests by up to 61%.
Pesticide-free agriculture: forest edges about 3m wide are home to insects, berry birds and hedge birds, which in turn eat pests, and therefore forest edges should be made NATURALLY PROTECTIVE ZONES or, if the forest edges have been destroyed, should be REINSTALLED.
Perfect agriculture WITHOUT pesticides is any permaculture farm.

Pesticide-free agriculture 02: Circular e-mail of April 4, 2018 - It's about ALL!

Pesticide-free agriculture, e.g. in
                                Normandy on the organic permaculture
                                farm "Bec Hellouin" by Charles
                                Herve Gruyer: hilly patches and beds,
                                scheme of the hilly patch and beet, and
                                the arrangement of the hilly patches and
                                bes in a Mandala circle
Pesticide-free agriculture, e.g. in Normandy on the organic permaculture farm "Bec Hellouin" by Charles Herve Gruyer: hilly patches and beds, scheme of the hilly patch and beet, and the arrangement of the hilly patches and bes in a Mandala circle

WALIPINI: Agriculture with sun and earth warmth: Walipini green house half in the earth for ALL seasons 01
"Climate change" by arquitecture: Geothermal greenhouse: With Walipini greenhouses, EVERY COUNTRY can run its own agriculture all year round.
Walipinis: in Bolivia, half sunken
                              greenhouse with geothermal heat   Walipini 02: Tube pit greenhouse of
                              Gundersen in Wisconsin ("USA")   Walipini 05:
                                half sunken greenhouse in Bozeman in
                                Montana (Canada) with cold air trench,
                                thus one can manage planting and
                                harvesting in an upright position, and
                                there are water barrels at the back wall
                                storing the heat during the day and give
                                it back during the night.
Walipinis: 01: in Bolivia, half sunken greenhouse with geothermal heat - Walipini 02: Tube pit greenhouse of Gundersen in Wisconsin ("USA") - Walipini 05: half sunken greenhouse in Bozeman in Montana (Canada) with cold air trench, thus one can manage planting and harvesting in an upright position, and there are water barrels at the back wall storing the heat during the day and give it back during the night

Forest and forest life - index
Forest history and forest desecration - forest dieback due to false trees, radiation and acid rain Earth's magnetic field - forest fire - rainforest etc.

Planting forest - convert desert into forest and fertile fields - reinstall complete ecosystems 
                            the desert into forest - completely
                            restoring of ecosystems - examples from
                            Africa and China
Turning the desert into forest - completely restoring of ecosystems - examples from Africa and China

                                      Sun: to the medicine index
  to the Medicine index
Medicine: Harmful amalgams - harmful normal medicine - natural medicine with Mother Earth - cure and healing without medicament

Some topics
Medicine: notes (index) - soda - anise - fennel 
Within these notes there is:

Cancer healing with baking powder in 10 to 12 days (90% healing quote)  English
1. Healing cancer with baking powder (sodium): Vernon Johnston in 10 days

2. Self-experiment with pH8 with baking powder
3. Instruction for healing cancer cases with baking powder  
5. Book: Vernon's dance with cancer (2013, ed.2021) 

Healings with sodium bicarbonate: cancer, diabetes, kidneys etc. - index

Map with the position of
                                        Wilton where the clinic of Dr.
                                        D'Adamo can be found

Psychology (index)

Women: breast problems

Integral psychology
Mandalas - Feng Shui


Language course (index)

Steiner terrorism (index)

Traffic (index)
Pedestrian, bike, train, and damaging car traffic

City planning and traffic: guide for a comfortable town (index)

Bike tours / bike trails (index)
good for your lungs and breathing!

zum Verkehrsleitfaden

Dictionary (index)

Children web site (index)

* The title "Book of Life with Mother Earth" was introduced on December 27, 2017.

More web sites by Michael Palomino:

to history index "History in Chronology" www.hist-chron.com (English)

to South "America" index www.am-sur.com (English)

truth about criminal Shitzerland (Switzerland): www.chdata123.com (German and English)
(criminal banks with Rothschild center in Zug, criminal pharma (Novartis, Roche), criminal vaccines (Novartis, Roche), criminal pesticides (Syngenta), criminal Nestlé company robbing water resoursec etc. - with these products toxic Shitzerland is contaminating ALL THE WORLD -  and for the Swiss government all this is NOT IMPORTANT!!!)

They were GODS - and Mother Earth exists and gives you ALL
They were Gods. The Fantasy God does NOT exist.
Moses, Jesus and Muhammad did NEVER exist, arrcheology says.
A pastor, a bishop, a Pope are NOT healing, but they are only stealing. A rabbi and an imam are only stealing time and hearts with fantasies.

Mother Earth is always here and healing for free.
Logic thinking is always here and let you think for free and learn for free.
Life energy is always here and let you live for free.

Michael Palomino, Dec.30, 2021

Mother Earth with trees and natural medicine
-- Every tree is a church of Mother Earth.
-- Walking around is walking in the natural pharmacy of Mother Earth.
-- And all "holy" fantasy books are nothing worth compared with this.
Michael Palomino NEVER VACCINATE+ALWAYS CASH, Nov 13, 2023
