- F
IS HERE - and all are only watching
criminal sect of the commanders
by Michael Palomino (2016)
commanders - forming a sect worldwide
SMS to a doctor friend, August 29, 2016
SMS 1 about the criminal commanders in the
world: activities in a world wide web of Rothschild
The commanders in Peru
-- are laughing about the poor
-- are organizing drugs for their 4x4
-- are playing with the people and
-- are blaming always the other ones and
-- are provoking 20% of innocent captives in the prisons
-- they are playint with alarm equipments thinking that
this would be intelligent
-- they have their festivities and they are making their
bets against their innocent victims defaming and
calumniating them without end
-- they are committing their criminal espionage against
their innocent victims
-- with all this they are also selling the spied data
and they are infecting other countries with their
criminal fantasies
-- they pretend to protect the population from their
victims but in real the commanders are the criminals
-- they are organizing the Organized Crime with drugs,
weapons, women, children, frauds
-- they are protecting the criminal casinos where one
can only loose money and where drugs are sold during day
and night.
The commanders are forming a world wide red and they are
working for the mayors who are also forming a world wide
red. Over this you can find the red of the satanist
The commanders are for nothing world wide, but they are
one of the terrorist elements in the Rothschild system
where poverty is deliberately provoked and where the
poors are even laughed.
SMS 2 about the criminal commanders in this
world: protection for criminal pharma - and "working
methods" - they are not more than "footballs"
One can see that the commanders have not conceived
anything ab out life, but they are destroying the life
of the others.
The commanders are forming a sect as also the mayors and
the governments.
They are protectig big pharma industries and Nestlé, the
water thief.
[In Peru] they are forbidding any progress not intalling
any garbage container.
They invent delicts and with this they are making their
intrigues against innocent peoples.
They inhibit investigations applying extortions against
judges, or they are paying bribes to judges - and by
this they are always rated as innocent.
They are organizing the INTERPOL of Rockefeller
organizing persecutions and calumnies on an
international level.
They are organizing groups defaming and calumning
innocent people: soccer fans, students, family members
[also alcoholics and drug addicted, because they
can be manipulated and bribed easily].
At the same time there is no further education with
commanders. Books with knowledge are not read there.
With this one can see clearly: these commanders are only
dangerous footballs, they are terrorists.
[In Peru for example] the commanders are manipulating
the system so never any price is going down but all is
always rising and rising on and on.
At the same time the commanders have a salary between
10,000 and 20,000 soles [per month in Peru - poor have
800 soles per month].
So, let's see, we are healing people, but with those the
facts are like this: garbage goes to garbage. They have
nothing in their head but they are only a football. Have
a nice day and we are going on with healings.