1. The list of healing effects of asparagus
-- Vitamin K in asparagus strengthens bone growth in
children and strengthens bones in adults against
osteoporosis and against arthritis [web02]
-- Vitamin K strengthens the bones because it improves
calcium absorption, cures osteoporosis [web01]
-- Green+white vegetables contain many antioxidants against
free radicals which destroy cells and cause them to age
-- Asparagus acts as an antioxidant against pollutants and
acts like a beauty treatment [web02]
-- Beta-carotene in asparagus keeps the skin healthy [web02]
Birth: Asparagus reduces risks during
childbirth [web01]
Bladder: cystitis
-- Asparagus with the amino acid asparagine reduces urinary
tract infections such as irritable bladder [bladder
infection, inflammation of the urinary tract] [web01]
Blood pressure: hypertension
-- is healed by the diuretic effect [web02]
-- Asparagus lowers blood pressure through potassium [web03]
Blood purification
-- blood purification, kidneys, liver: asparagus has
diuretic effect causing the excretion of toxins and waste
products, blood purification, support of kidney and liver
function [web03]
Blood sugar levels are regulated [diabetes,
pancreas] [web01]
Brain function is optimized
-- with the normalization of the happiness hormones in the
brain [web01]
-- with the production of the neurotransmitter (happiness
hormone) serotonin [web01]
-- Asparagus nourishes the nervous system through potassium
-- folic acid improves brain function: breaks down
homocysteine in the body which blocks the brain supply with
nutrients and hormones (serotonin and dopamine) - the supply
of nutrients + happiness hormones to the brain is optimized
and thus heal depression and perceptual disorders [web02]
-- Sleep disorders disappear [web01,02], vit. E brightens
the mood [web01]
-- tryptophan promotes serotonin production in the brain
Breastfeeding: Folic acid stimulates milk
production [web01]
-- Saponins and glutathione in asparagus are effective
against cancer [web01], saponins are bocking leukemia cells
-- Histone proteins control cell growth against cancer
Cold and flu
-- Asparagus supports with its nutrients the immune system
against colds, flu and other bacterial diseases [pneumonia?]
Constipation has gone [web01]
-- Due to fiber and high water content, digestion works
"smoothly", constipation is eliminated [web01]
-- Asparagus heals constipation due to the draining effect
and its fiber [web02]
Depression is healed:
-- with the normalization of the happy hormones in the brain
-- with production of the neurotransmitter (happiness
hormone) serotonin [web01]
Diabetes healing
-- Asparagus extract heals the pancreas in animal
experiments with rats, blood sugar level is normalized,
diabetes is cured, insulin becomes normal [web01]
Digestion regulation: constipation, intestinal
flora, hemorrhoids, colonic diverticula (large intestine:
protrusions due to muscle weakness [web04]), irritable bowel
Easy to digest: due to fiber and high water
content, digestion works "smoothly", constipation is
eliminated [web01]
Inulin harmonizes the intestinal flora in the
digestive system, nourishes the friendly intestinal
bacteria, unhealthy intestinal bacteria are reduced [web01]
-- Asparagus heals "constipation, hemorrhoids, colonic
diverticula and irritable bowel syndrome" [web02]
diuretic, water gets out [against obesity,
overweight] [web01]
-- Asparagus with nitrogen (250-350mg per 100g) provokes
more kidney activity and urine production [web03]
-- Aspartic acid, potassium salts and essential oils in the
vegetables promote kidney activity and diuretic [web01], the
urine production is stimulated [web02], draining for weight
loss diets against obesity [web01], swelling [web02]
-- especially the asparagus juice or the asparagus broth has
a diuretic effect [web01]
-- Asparagus with phosphorus (35-60mg per 100g) "improves
the transport, storage and utilization of energy in the
human body." [web03]
Eyes becoming stronger
-- Asparagus with vitamin A (0.03mg per 100g) strengthens
the eyes, inhibits oxygen radicals [web03]
Fungal diseases
-- Asparagus with vitamin K (0.04mg per 100g) protects
against fungal diseases [web03]
-- asparagus heals hemorrhoids because of the draining
effect and its fibers [web02]
Kidney infections
-- Kidney infections are cured by the diuretic effect
-- Asparagus has diuretic effect causing the excretion of
toxins and waste products, blood purification, support of
kidney and liver function [web03]
Kidney stones [web01]
-- Asparagus with the amino acid asparagine "even dissolves
uric acid crystals" (urinary stones, kidney stones
[web01,02], bladder stones) and uric acid crystals in the
muscles [web01]
-- blood purification, kidneys, liver: asparagus has
diuretic effect causing the excretion of toxins and waste
products, blood purification, support of kidney and liver
function [web03]
Metabolism [energy] [web01]
-- The fruit acids, vitamins, minerals and secondary plant
substances of asparagus stimulate the metabolism [web01]
Nervous system
-- Asparagus with vitamin E (2,1mg per 100g) nourishes the
nervous system, neutralizes heavy metals which form radicals
-- Asparagus also nourishes the nervous system by potassium
-- Folic acid improves brain function: breaks down
homocysteine in the body which blocks the brain supply with
nutrients and hormones (serotonin and dopamine) - the supply
of nutrients + happy hormones to the brain is optimized and
thus heal depression and perceptual disorders [web02]
-- Sleep disorders disappear [web01,02], vit. E brightens
the mood [web01]
-- Tryptophan promotes serotonin production in the brain
Obesity - dropsy
-- Asparagus works against obesity and against dropsy
-- Aspartic acid, potassium salts and essential oils in the
vegetables promote kidney activity and diuretic, diuretic
for weight loss diets against obesity [web01]
-- The fruit acids, vitamins, minerals and secondary plant
substances of asparagus boost the metabolism and push the
fat burning [web01]
-- Belly fat is reduced with potassium (200g asparagus
contain almost 300mg potassium) [web02]
-- The fiber of the asparagus removes every constipation, so
that toxins are better drained out [web02]
-- Asparagus has a filling effect, so that the amount eating
due to sadness, stress or boredom has an end [web02].
Osteoporosis (bone loss)
-- Folic acid protects against osteoporosis (bone loss)
-- Vitamin K strengthens the bones because it improves
calcium absorption, cures osteoporosis [web01]
-- Vitamin K in asparagus strengthens bone growth in
children and strengthens bones in adults against
osteoporosis and against arthritis [web02]
Perceptual disorders
-- Folic acid in asparagus cures depression by the effect in
the brain, acts like an antidepressant, perceptual disorders
are eliminated [web02]
Pregnancy is strengthened:
-- The fetus develops its nervous system healthy with a lot
of folic acid without birth defects, premature birth is
prevented, autism is prevented [web01]
-- The fetus is developing well with a lot of iron, and the
pregnant woman is also doing well with a lot of iron [web01]
Sex life with male potency [web01]
-- trace elements zinc and molybdenum and aspartic acid
promote potency in men [web01]
-- the high vitamin E content directly activates the
production and release of sex hormones [also in women?]
Skin care [aging skin, ev. also pimples, acne]
-- green+white vegetables contain many antioxidants against
free radicals which destroy cells and cause them to age
-- asparagus acts as an antioxidant against pollutants and
acts like a beauty treatment [web02]
-- the beta-carotene in asparagus keeps the skin healthy
Sleep disorders: Sleep is normalized [by
normalizing activity in life]
-- with the normalization of the happiness hormones in the
brain [web01]
-- with production of the neurotransmitter (happiness
hormone) serotonin [web01]
-- asparagus with the amino acid asparagine "even dissolves
uric acid crystals" (urinary stones, kidney stones, bladder
stones) and uric acid crystals in the muscles [web01]
Teeth stronger
-- Asparagus with calcium (20 to 22mg per 100g) for teeth
and bones [web03]
Urinary tract infection
-- Asparagus with the amino acid asparagine reduces urinary
tract infections such as irritable bladder [bladder
infection, inflammation of the urinary tract] [web01]
-- The strong smell of the urine after eating asparagus
probably comes "from various sulphurous substances" [web03]
-- People with increased uric acid values in the blood
should not eat asparagus because otherwise gout attacks are
to be feared [web03]
-- "People being prone to kidney stones should better remove
asparagus from his personal menu" [but asparagus is supposed
to cure stone diseases?] [web03].
2. Asparagus types and asparagus history
-- Asparagus above ground turns green because photosynthesis
forms chlorophyll, is healthier because of more ingredients
and vitamins due to the sun exposure [web01]
-- Asparagus under the ground remains white (bleached
asparagus), tastes different from the green asparagus
-- The differences of green and white asparagus are not
significant, both species are healthy [web03]
Wild asparagus
-- there is wild asparagus (Asparagus racemosus) in the
Mediterranean region, the taste is strong, spicy and
vitalizing, you can harvest it all winter and until late
spring [April] [web01]
Cultivated asparagus
-- There is the cultivated asparagus (Asparagus officinalis)
in Central Europe, fresh from March [web01]
-- Asparagus is labor-intensive and expensive, but with many
healing effects [web01]
-- Asparagus freshly steamed or grilled is best [web01]
Asparagus history: from Iraq to Ancient Greece to Europe
-- Asparagus is available in spring as green as well as as
white asparagus [web02]
-- The main stem of the asparagus (Asparagus officinalis)
can grow up to 1.5m high [web02]
-- Asparagus is of the same plant family as leeks, onions,
chives etc. [web02]
-- The green asparagus originally comes from today's Iraq
between Tigris and Euphrates [web02]
-- Asparagus was already consumed by the ancient Egypt and
the ancient Greek culture food and sacrifice ceremonies
-- With the destruction of the Greek Empire also the
consumption of asparagus in Europe ended, from the
colonialism it came back [web02]
-- Until the 19th century only the green asparagus was
known, then it was also grown underground as white asparagus
-- Precondition for asparagus cultivation is mild climate,
in Europe the biggest asparagus producers are in Italy,
Germany and France, in spring it comes fresh from the field
[Supplement: Asparagus could be able planted in the pit
greenhouse all year round - the farmers simply refuse the
pit greenhouse "
until today (2025)!]
3. Asparagus: healing ingredients
Asparagus consists of 93% water, about 25 kilocalories per
100 grams, some sodium, many vitamins, a lot of B6, and
zinc, magnesium, calcium, proteins, fiber, beta-carotenes,
vitamin E, thiamine, vitamin K, vitamin C, folic
acid/folate, riboflavin, niacin, rutin, phosphorus, iron,
potassium, manganese, copper and selenium [web01]
-- Asparagus is light food, 93% water, 2% proteins, 4%
carbohydrates, 0.2% fats, 150 calories per kg [web03]
-- Asparagus is full of minerals and vitamins, e.g.
potassium with 190-280mg per 100g asparagus [web03]
-- Asparagus lowers blood pressure through potassium [web03]
-- Asparagus nourishes the nervous system through potassium
-- Asparagus with calcium (20 to 22mg per 100g) for teeth
and bones [web03]
-- Asparagus with phosphorus (35-60mg per 100g) "improves
the transport, storage and utilization of energy in the
human body." [web03]
-- Asparagus with nitrogen (250-350mg per 100g) provokes
more kidney activity and urine production [web03]
-- Asparagus with vitamin A (0.03mg per 100g) cares for the
eyes, inhibits oxygen radicals [web03]
-- Asparagus with vitamin E (2,1mg per 100g) nourishes the
nervous system, neutralizes heavy metals which form radicals
-- Asparagus with vitamin K (0.04mg per 100g) protects
against fungal diseases [web03]
-- Contraindications: People with kidney problems should not
eat much asparagus, nor people with high uric acid levels in
the blood or with tendency to kidney stones [web03]
[Supplement: uric acid is going down with natural food as
apple puree with stewed potatoes during one week -
4. Asparagus healing effects in detail
Beauty: Asparagus for beauty
-- Green and white vegetables contain many antioxidants
against free radicals which destroy cells and cause them to
age [web02]
-- Asparagus acts as an antioxidant against pollutants and
acts like a beauty treatment [web02]
-- The beta-carotene in asparagus keeps the skin healthy
Blood pressure: Asparagus against high blood
-- Asparagus lowers blood pressure through potassium [web03]
Blood purification: Asparagus for blood
-- blood purification, kidneys, liver: asparagus has
diuretic effect causing the excretion of toxins and waste
products, blood purification, support of kidney and liver
function [web03]
Bones: Asparagus for strong bones (against
-- Folic acid protects against osteoporosis (bone loss)
-- Vitamin K strengthens the bones because it improves
calcium absorption, cures osteoporosis [web01]
-- Vitamin K in asparagus strengthens bone growth in
children and strengthens bones in adults against
osteoporosis and against arthritis [web02]
-- Asparagus with calcium (20 to 22mg per 100g) is
strengthening teeth and bones [web03]
Cancer: Asparagus against cancer
-- Saponins and glutathione in asparagus are effective
against cancer [web01], saponins are bocking leukemia cells
-- Histone proteins control cell growth against cancer
Cholesterol: Asparagus against cholesterol
-- Translation: "It also lowers cholesterol levels and
supports the breakdown of sugar in the blood." [web02]
Depression: Asparagus against depression,
for optimal brain function, for healthy sleep
-- Asparagus nourishes the nervous system through potassium
-- Folic acid improves brain function: breaks down
homocysteine in the body which blocks the brain supply with
nutrients and hormones (serotonin and dopamine) - the supply
of nutrients + happiness hormones to the brain is optimized
and thus heal depression and perceptual disorders [web02]
-- Sleep disorders disappear [web01,02], vit. E brightens
the mood [web01]
-- tryptophan promotes serotonin production in the brain
Diabetes: Asparagus for diabetes [for the
-- Animal experiments with rats show that asparagus extract
heals the pancreas and the blood sugar level normalizes,
insulin is produced normally again [web01]
Diuretic effect: Asparagus has a diuretic
effect, cures obesity
-- Asparagus with nitrogen (250-350mg per 100g) provokes
more kidney activity and urine production [web03]
-- Aspartic acid, potassium salts and essential oils in the
vegetables promote kidney activity and diuretic, diuretic
for weight loss diets against obesity [web01]
-- Overweight, dropsy [web03]
-- Diuretic properties come mainly in the form of asparagus
juice or asparagus broth [web01]
Energy: Asparagus for energy
-- Asparagus with phosphorus (35-60mg per 100g) "improves
the transport, storage and utilization of energy in the
human body." [web03]
Eyes: Asparagus for strong eyes
-- Asparagus with vitamin A (0.03mg per 100g) strengthens
the eyes, inhibits oxygen radicals [web03]
Fungal diseases: Asparagus against fungal
-- Asparagus with vitamin K (0.04mg per 100g) protects
against fungal diseases [web03]
Gastrointestinal area: Asparagus for the
gastrointestinal area
-- easy to digest: due to fiber and high water
content, digestion works "smoothly" [web01], constipation is
eliminated by the many dietary fibers [web01,02]
-- Inulin harmonizes the intestinal flora in the
digestive system, nourishes the friendly intestinal
bacteria, unhealthy intestinal bacteria are reduced [web01]
The second health benefit of asparagus is its ability to
empty the bowels with the help of the fiber it contains.
-- Asparagus heals by the dehydrating effect and its fiber
"constipation, hemorrhoids, colonic diverticula* and
irritable bowel syndrome" [web02]
*large intestine: protrusions due to muscle weakness [web04]
Health: Asparagus for a strong health
-- Asparagus: The "nutrients like vitamins A, C, E and K as
well as chromium, trace elements, fiber and folic acid
promote your health" [web02]
Metabolism: Asparagus for normal metabolism,
weight loss, obesity, dropsy
-- Asparagus works against obesity and against dropsy
-- The fruit acids, vitamins, minerals and secondary plant
substances of asparagus boost the metabolism and push the
fat burning [web01]
-- Asparagus is good for weight loss with a lot of potassium
which reduces belly fat (200g asparagus contain almost 300mg
potassium) [web02]
-- The fiber of the asparagus removes every constipation, so
that toxins are better drained out [web02]
-- Asparagus has a filling effect, so that the eating
attacks due to sadness, stress or boredom have an end
Nervous system: Asparagus for the nervous
-- Asparagus with vitamin E (2,1mg per 100g) nourishes the
nervous system, neutralizes heavy metals which form radicals
-- Asparagus also nourishes the nervous system by potassium
-- Folic acid improves brain function: breaks down
homocysteine in the body which blocks the brain supply with
nutrients and hormones (serotonin and dopamine) - the supply
of nutrients + happiness hormones to the brain is optimized
and thus heal depression and perceptual disorders [web02]
-- Sleep disorders disappear [web01,02], vit. E brightens
the mood [web01]
-- Tryptophan promotes serotonin production in the brain
Pregnancy: Asparagus for pregnancy, fetus
and breastfeeding
-- Folic acid for pregnancy: The high folic acid
content of asparagus is a guarantee for a healthy
development of the unborn child without birth defects, the
nervous system is developed in a healthy way, the risk of
premature birth is reduced, autism is prevented [web01]
-- Folic acid for breastfeeding: The high folic acid
content causes a good milk production [web01]
-- Iron: The iron content promotes the health of the
pregnant woman as well as the growth of the unborn child
Sexual behavior: Asparagus for good potency
in sexual behavior
-- Potency of men is promoted with the trace elements zinc
and molybdenum, as well as by the aspartic acid [web01]
-- Asparagus with high vitamin E content activates directly
the production and release of sex hormones [also in women?]
Teeth: Asparagus for the teeth
-- Asparagus contains calcium (20 to 22mg per 100g) for
teeth and bones [web03]
Urinary tract: Asparagus against urinary
tract infections (bladder infections)+stone ailments
-- Asparagus with the amino acid asparagine reduces urinary
tract infections such as irritable bladder [bladder
infection, inflammation of the urinary tract] [web01]
-- Asparagus with the amino acid asparagine "even dissolves
uric acid crystals" (urinary stones, kidney stones, bladder
stones) and uric acid crystals in the muscles [web01]
-- Kidney patients should first heal the kidneys before they
eat a lot of asparagus and irritate the kidneys [web01]
-- People with kidney problems should not eat much asparagus
-- People with high uric acid in the blood or with a
tendency to kidney stones should not eat asparagus [but
asparagus should cure stone diseases?] [web03]
-- Asparagus provokes that urine smells very much of
ammonia, but this is a GOOD sign for good health [web01]
5. The original articles
Article 1:
Remedy asparagus on April 23, 2021: Blood sugar levels,
depression, cancer, pregnancy, stone disease, digestion,
10 Health Benefits of Asparagus
(orig. German: 10 Gesundheitliche Vorteile von Spargel)
Translation with Translator.eu:
Asparagus and our health
Here are 10 health benefits of asparagus
No. 1. Reduces risks during childbirth
No. 2. Helps with depression
No. 3. Prevention of osteoporosis
No. 4. Prevention of cancer
No. 5. Helps with digestion
No. 6. Has a strong diuretic effect
No. 7. Boosts the metabolism
No. 8. Beneficial for sex life
No. 9. Regulates blood sugar levels
No. 10. Helps with kidney stones
Asparagus: White or green?
Asparagus and our health - [wild asparagus and cultivated
The asparagus family has many members, but only a few of
them are edible.
Wild asparagus (Asparagus racemosus), for example, grows in
the barren Mediterranean mountains and can often be
collected in the wild throughout the winter until late
spring. Its taste is strong, spicy and vitalizing.
Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis), on the other hand, is a
carefully and elaborately cultivated vegetable that appears
on the markets and in the grocery stores not as early as in
[Ingredients of asparagus]
Due to its labor-intensive culture, the vegetable is not
exactly one of the cheapest vegetables. However, its
numerous health benefits more than make up for the price.
The plant consists of 93% water and has only about 25 Kcal
per 100 grams. Asparagus contains
little sodium
many vitamins. Above all, it contains
plenty of
vitamin B6. Apart from that, the
plant also contains
zinc, magnesium and calcium.
Furthermore, there are other substances in the vegetables
such as
proteins, fiber, beta-carotenes, vitamin E,
thiamine, vitamin K, vitamin C, folic acid/folate,
riboflavin, niacin, rutin, phosphorus, iron, potassium,
manganese, copper and selenium.
Here are 10 health benefits of asparagus
No. 1. Reduces risks during childbirth
Due to the high folic acid content, the consumption of
asparagus is highly recommended, especially for pregnant and
breastfeeding women, as there is an increased need during
this time and the risk of birth defects is reduced. (1)
Folic acid regulates the fetal and embryonic nerve cell
groups, promotes the proper formation of nerve cells in the
fetus and reduces the risk of premature birth and autistic
disorders in babies.
Asparagus also stimulates milk production in breastfeeding
Furthermore, the iron content in the delicious vegetable
supports the overall growth of the baby and is very
important for the expectant mother.
No. 2. Helps against depression
Asparagus improves mood. It contains various compounds that
put you in a good mood and help against symptoms of
depression. The high folic acid content improves brain
function, the vitamin E ensures a better mood and the
tryptophan supports serotonin production in the brain. (2)
Freshly steamed or grilled asparagus is best suited to
brighten the mood.
One component of vegetables that can help with depression is
folic acid. Folic acid helps to break down accumulations of
homocysteine in the body. High concentrations of
homocysteine reduce the supply of nutrients and hormones
such as serotonin and dopamine to the brain.
If these happiness hormones are not able to reach the brain,
depressive moods can worsen and balanced sleep can be
No. 3. Prevention of osteoporosis (bone loss)
[Prevention of osteoporosis]
Furthermore, asparagus can protect against osteoporosis.
Consequently, folic acid is used here as well. This is
because a lack of folic acid can promote osteoporosis.
[Healing osteoporosis]
In addition, the vegetable contains vitamin K, making it an
excellent food for the treatment of osteoporosis. Vitamin K
helps us strengthen bones by improving calcium absorption.
No. 4. Prevention of Cancer
[Saponins against cancer]:
A study at Rutgers University in New Jersey ("USA") showed
that the raw saponins in asparagus clearly show anti-tumor
activities and could irreversibly block the growth of human
leukemia cells. (3)
[Histones control cell growth]
Asparagus contains a lot of certain proteins, the histones.
These histones are thought to be actively involved in
controlling cell growth. Scientists attribute
anticarcinogenic properties to these proteins.
[Glutathione for cancer]
The U.S. National Cancer Institute reported that asparagus
had the highest test scores for glutathione of all foods.
Glutathione is considered one of the most effective
anticarcinogens and antioxidants.
No. 5. Helps with digestion
[easily digestible]: The vegetable contains a lot
of fiber and has a high water content, so it is easy to
[Inulin is harmonizing the intestinal flora]: The
inulin in asparagus also nourishes the friendly intestinal
bacteria in the digestive system and thus ensures a healthy
harmonious intestinal flora. Maintaining a healthy gut flora
is a must, as unhealthy gut bacteria can have negative
consequences for our health.
[Fiber]: The high fiber content promotes the proper
functioning of the digestive system and avoids constipation.
No. 6. Has a strong diuretic effect
[Amino acid asparagine]: Asparagus has a diuretic
effect and helps with urinary tract infections. The main
reason for this is the amino acid asparagine. It plays an
important role in the urea cycle, as it is converted into
ammonia in the body. (5) While ammonia is the reason for the
pungent odor that urine often has after eating asparagus,
this odor is not harmful. It is precisely this asparagine
that has a diuretic effect. If you want to stimulate your
kidney activity, you should therefore eat this delicious
vegetable regularly.
[Bladder infection]: Asparagus is also highly
recommended for chronic urinary tract infections or an
irritable bladder.
[Urinary stones, stone diseases]: Asparagus even
dissolves uric acid crystals in the kidneys, bladder and
[WARNING]: Caution is advised for chronic kidney
patients. You should not eat large amounts of asparagus, as
it can irritate the kidneys additionally.
No. 7. Boosting the metabolism
Aspartic acid, potassium salts and essential oils in the
vegetable contribute to the promotion of kidney activity.
This ensures increased water excretion, which is why
asparagus is often used for diets.
In addition, the vegetable tastes good and contains only
about 25 kcal per 100 grams.
In addition, the fruit acids, vitamins, minerals and
secondary plant substances of asparagus boost the metabolism
and push fat burning.
No. 8. Beneficial for sex life
The vegetable can promote potency. In the past, this
vegetable was often called the "sensual stem". Asparagus
provides plenty of the trace element zinc and molybdenum,
and men need them for their potency. The effect is enhanced
by aspartic acid. Furthermore, the vitamin E content in
vegetables, which is quite high for vegetables, enhances
their potency-enhancing effect. Vitamin E directly activates
the production and release of sex hormones. (6)
No. 9. Regulates blood sugar levels [in animal studies
with asparagus extract in rats]
This was the conclusion reached by a team of researchers
from the University of Karachi in Pakistan after an
investigation. The animals got injections with certain
[toxic] chemical substances causing a diabetic state with
low insulin levels and high blood sugar levels. (7)
Afterwards, half of the rats were treated with an asparagus
extract. The animals received both low and high doses for 28
days. At the same time, the other half of the test animals
received the active ingredient glibenclamide, a well-known
diabetes drug for type 2 diabetics. The rodents' blood
samples were then examined to see how and whether the blood
sugar level had changed.
The samples showed that a low dose of asparagus extract
lowers blood sugar, but has no positive effect on the
production of insulin.
The high dose of asparagus extract both lowered blood sugar,
but also increased insulin production in the pancreas.
No. 10. Helps against kidney stones
The delicious vegetable provides fibre, folates (the natural
and active form of folic acid), potassium, an extremely
favourable calcium-magnesium ratio, B vitamins and an
extensive range of bioactive plant compounds.
In particular, the high potassium content at the same time
as a low sodium deposit makes the vegetable a cleansing and
diuretic food.
In this context, asparagus is also being discussed as a very
concrete way to prevent kidney stones or to dissolve
existing kidney stones.
Its diuretic properties are particularly effective when
asparagus is drunk in the form of juice or its broth. (8)
[Book]: "Asparagus: Origin, Applications and Recipes"
(orig. German: "Spargel: Herkunft, Anwendungen und
Löser, Evemarie / Löser, Frank
Edition Demmler
Price 4,95 ¤ (at 2025/01/03 23:17)
Publication Date 2014/05/01
Asparagus: White or green?
White asparagus is white because it grows in so-called
"dams" underground, that means: in mounds of earth. This
asparagus variety, also known as bleached asparagus, is
harvested immediately as soon as its head breaks through the
earth's cover. Since the asparagus does not come into
contact with daylight, it remains pale.
Green asparagus, on the other hand, grows above ground and
is not covered by a layer of soil. Since it is exposed to
the sun at all times, it forms chlorophyll for
photosynthesis. This process turns the asparagus green.
Green asparagus is healthier than bleached asparagus because
it contains more ingredients and valuable vitamins (due to
sun exposure).
In addition, green asparagus tastes different from bleached
asparagus. Similar to the difference between cauliflower and
Article 2:
23.4.2021: Asparagus with 8 healing
8 Incredible Health Benefits of Asparagus
(orig. German: 8 unglaubliche gesundheitliche Vorteile
von Spargel)
Translation with Deepl:
Asparagus is not only versatile and delicious, it also has
other benefits. Here we show you 8 health benefits of
8 incredible health benefits of asparagus
It contains vitamins and minerals, is rich in fiber and has
a diuretic effect. These are exactly the reasons why there
are so many health benefits of asparagus! It is best eaten
in spring, when it is available in the stores in white and
Properties of asparagus - [asparagus history from Iraq to
Ancient Greece and Europe]
Asparagus has one main stem, called Asparagus officinalis,
which can grow up to 1.5 meters high.
It belongs to the same family as leeks, onions and chives,
although they have neither a similar taste nor a similar
The green variety originally comes from the Mediterranean
region. More precisely, from the vicinity of the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers [today's Iraq].
In ancient Egypt and Greece, asparagus was both eaten and
used as an offering. It became known in Europe through the
Romans [Greeks], who recognized its medicinal properties.
With the destruction of the Roman [Greek] Empire, the
consumption of asparagus also ceased.
In the 20th and 21st centuries, however, it became popular
again, this time thanks to its culinary benefits. In the
17th century, asparagus was one of the most commonly
consumed foods by the middle and upper classes. Until the
19th century, only green asparagus was known. Then the
method of cultivation (underground) was developed and white
asparagus began to grow.
The difference is in how much sun the asparagus receives
(the green color comes from chlorophyll).
Nowadays, this vegetable is mainly grown in regions with a
mild climate. The largest producers are currently Italy,
Germany and France.
Although greenhouses and long cold chains give us the
opportunity to consume any type of vegetable all year round,
asparagus is best eaten in spring. At other times, you can
buy it canned [or in glasses].
Health benefits of asparagus
As it contains many vitamins, it was already eaten in
ancient times and recommended for certain health complaints.
Find here out which ones:
1. It has a draining diuretic effect
Asparagus has a draining effect
As asparagus consists mainly of water, it stimulates the
elimination of excess fluids.
It is recommended for people suffering
from fluid retention, swelling, kidney problems (such as
kidney stones or infections) or high blood pressure.
It also supplies the body with
asparagine, which stimulates urine production.
Asparagus does not contain certain types
of natural sodium that cause a bloating big belly. It
does not cause winds / flatulence.
2. Asparagus is a [soft] laxative
The second health benefit of asparagus is its ability to
empty the bowels with the help of the fiber it contains.
It treats and prevents constipation, hemorrhoids, colonic
diverticula (large intestine: protrusions due to muscle
weakness [web04]) and irritable bowel syndrome.
It also lowers cholesterol levels and supports the breakdown
of sugar in the blood.
3. It is an antioxidant [like a beauty treatment,
Asparagus is an antioxidant. Eating a dish of asparagus is
more effective than any beauty treatment. This is because
green and white vegetables contain many antioxidants that
fight free radicals. Free radicals attack the cells and
accelerate ageing. To counteract this, it also contains
beta-carotene, which is important for healthy skin.
4. Asparagus is an antidepressant
It contains quite a lot of folic acid. This nutrient not
only brings health benefits to pregnant women and the fetus,
but also to the brain.
This vegetable reduces the risk of cognitive impairment,
helping you to sleep better and counteracting depression and
sleep disorders.
So if you never get a good night's sleep or struggle with
stress and fatigue, you should definitely add this vegetable
to your meals.
It is more effective than any medicine.
5. It contains many nutrients
Asparagus contains many nutrients
The nutrients contained in asparagus promote your health,
such as vitamins A, C, E and K as well as chromium, trace
elements, fiber and folic acid.
6. Asparagus is good for your bones
People over 50 (especially menopausal women) and children
under 5 should consume particularly large amounts of this
vegetable. Why is that? Because vitamin K makes your bones
stronger and prevents fractures. Whether it's osteoporosis
or arthritis, your bones get weaker the older you get.
Children should eat it in order to grow and develop well.
The protein osteocalcin (which is found in bone tissue)
counteracts development.
7. It helps you lose weight
Asparagus helps you lose weight. If you are on a diet to
lose weight, you should include asparagus in your diet.
200 g contains almost 300 mg of
potassium. This is a nutrient that is known to
belly fat.
It also contains a lot of fiber, which
counteracts constipation and eliminates toxins.
But that's not all: this vegetable has a satiating effect,
preventing you from eating beyond hunger or out of sadness,
stress or boredom.
8. Asparagus is antiviral
Last but not least, another health benefit is that it
supplies the body with nutrients that support the immune
It therefore counteracts colds, flu and other bacterial
[The sources of this article]
All sources cited have been thoroughly checked by our team
to ensure their quality, reliability, timeliness and
validity. The bibliography of this article was deemed
reliable and academically or scientifically accurate.
- Sun, T., Tang, J., & Powers, J.
R. (2007). Antioxidant activity and quality of
asparagus affected by microwave-circulated water
combination and conventional sterilization. Food
Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2005.10.047
- Fuentes-Alventosa, J. M.,
Rodríguez-Gutiérrez, G., Jaramillo-Carmona, S.,
Espejo-Calvo, J. A., Rodríguez-Arcos, R.,
Fernández-Bolaños, J., … Jiménez-Araujo, A. (2009).
Effect of extraction method on chemical composition
and functional characteristics of high dietary fibre
powders obtained from asparagus by-products. Food
Chemistry. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2008.07.075
- Eichholz, I., Rohn, S., Gamm, A.,
Beesk, N., Herppich, W. B., Kroh, L. W., …
Huyskens-Keil, S. (2012). UV-B-mediated flavonoid
synthesis in white asparagus (Asparagus officinalis
L.). Food Research International. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2012.03.008
This text is for informational purposes only and does not
replace advice from a professional. If in doubt, consult
your specialist.
Written by Yamila Papa Pintor
Article 3
2006: The healing effects of asparagus
How healthy is asparagus?
(orig. German: Wie gesund ist Spargel?)
Translation with Deepl:
Asparagus contains only a few calories, but is full of
minerals and vitamins. Whether green or white, both
varieties are very healthy. However, people with kidney
problems [Kidney failure, dialysis cases] should refrain
from eating them.
By Rolf Stephan
What's in asparagus: good for your health - but not for
Asparagus is extremely healthy. It consists of 93 percent
water, about two percent protein, about four percent
carbohydrates and only 0.2 percent fat. Asparagus therefore
has only 150 calories per kilogram.
Nevertheless, asparagus contains many minerals - such as
potassium (190 to 280 milligrams per 100 grams), which has a
blood pressure-lowering effect and is important for the
functioning of nerve impulses.
The calcium in asparagus (20 to 22 milligrams per 100 grams)
is an important building block for teeth and bones. The
phosphorus contained in asparagus (35 to 60 milligrams per
100 grams) improves the transport, storage and utilization
of energy in the human body.
The relatively high nitrogen content (250 to 350 milligrams
per 100 grams) stimulates kidney activity and leads to the
well-known diuretic effect of asparagus.
Asparagus also contains many essential vitamins. Vitamin A,
for example (0.03 milligrams per 100 grams) supports our
eyesight and inhibits oxygen radicals.
Vitamin E (2.1 milligrams per 100 grams) has a strong
influence on our nervous system and acts against
radical-forming heavy metals. Vitamin K (0.04 milligrams per
100 grams) is important for the blood and protects the body
against fungal diseases.
It is not clear whether green or white asparagus is
healthier. Although the amounts of various minerals and
vitamins depend on whether the asparagus sees light before
harvesting, the differences are not significant. In any
case, both asparagus colors are healthy.
Green or white - both types are healthy -
health-promoting - but not for everyone
Due to its dehydrating effect, people who suffer from
obesity and dropsy should eat asparagus. Due to the strong
urine excretion, more metabolic end products such as toxins
and waste products are excreted from the body.
The blood is purified and the kidney and liver functions are
supported. The peculiar smell of urine after eating
asparagus probably comes from various sulphur-containing
However, people with elevated uric acid levels in their
blood should avoid eating this noble vegetable, as otherwise
there is a risk of gout attacks. People who are prone to
kidney stones should also remove asparagus from their
personal menu.
(First published in 2006, last updated March 26, 2021)
[Supplement: uric acid is going down with natural food as
apple puree with stewed potatoes during one week -