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Coronavirus19 News 151: Demos for normalization in Zurich+Vienna Jan.8, 2022

  Medical wisdom Dec.27, 2021: A
                                  virus you cannot vaccinate because
                                  it's always mutating (Gegen einen
                                  Virus kann man NICHT impfen, weil 1
                                  Virus IMMER MUTIERT!)
Medical wisdom Dec.27, 2021: A virus you cannot vaccinate because it's always mutating
(Gegen einen Virus kann man NICHT impfen, weil 1 Virus IMMER MUTIERT!)

Michael Palomino (Jan.10, 2022)
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Flyer: natural medicine against Corona19   Flyer:
                  natural medicine against Corona19, sheet A4 for
                  printing, cutting and distributing
Flyer: natural medicine against Corona19 - sheet A4 for printing, cutting, and distributing

Jan.8, 2022

Demonstration in Zurich for normalization of life against Corona terrorism and eternal liars Berset and Levy - Jan.8, 2022


-- here is the demonstration of Zurich of Jan.8, 2022 againnst Corona madness and media corruption: today with about 15.000 people in Zurich: 
Telegram channel of Mr. Zumstein: https://t.me/achtungachtungschweiz/20302

Video: Demo in Zurich of Jan.8, 2022 against discrimination in schooling systems+against Corona madness - for NORMALIZAITON (4'19'')
(orig. German: Zürich 8.1.2022 gegen Diskriminierung bei der Bildung+gg. Coronawahn - für NORMALISIERUNG! (4'19'')

Video: Demo in Zurich of Jan.8, 2022 against discrimination in schooling systems+against Corona madness - for NORMALIZAITON (4'19'')
(orig. German: Zürich 8.1.2022 gegen Diskriminierung bei der Bildung+gg. Coronawahn - für NORMALISIERUNG! (4'19'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/AFsNt9eazvHT/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - upload at Jan.9, 2022

Code for enbedding: <div align="center"><iframe scrolling="no" style="border: none;" src="https://www.bitchute.com/embed/AFsNt9eazvHT/" width="640" frameborder="0" height="360"></iframe></div>

Resistance Zurich Normalization! On January 8, 2021 in Zurich 14 to 17 o'clock according to my estimation there were about 5.000 to 10.000 people performing a demonstration together. It was ice-cold, dry and sometimes even windy. The demo should set a sign: the government in Bern with the liars Berset + Levy etc. should finally allow normalization that stands in the Covid law. The big fraud now is that they call for vacccinating every 3 or 4 months against a virus which iss always mutating and changing, and this has REALLY NO SENSE! Corona heals with many different remedies, therefore IT IS EVEN FORBIDDEN TO VACCINATE!
Source of the video: https://t.me/achtungachtungschweiz/20362

Demo in
                  Zürich 8.1.2022 01: Start   Demo in Zürich 8.1.2022 02: Stauffacherstrasse
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 01: Start [1] - Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 02: Stauffacher Street [2]

                  in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 3+4: More and more soccer
                  players die: "Vaxxed soccer players die like
                  flies" (orig. German: "Geimpfte Fussballer
                  sterben wie die Fliegen")   Demo
                  in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 3+4: More and more soccer
                  players die: "Vaxxed soccer players die like
                  flies" (orig. German: "Geimpfte Fussballer
                  sterben wie die Fliegen")
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 3+4: More and more soccer players die: "Vaxxed soccer players die like flies"
(orig. German: "Geimpfte Fussballer sterben wie die Fliegen") [3,4]

Demo in
                  Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 05: Children who have hardly any
                  Corona have not to be vaxxed for sure: "Hands off
                  of our children!" (orig. German: "Finger weg
                  von den Kindern")  
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 05: Children who have hardly any Corona have not to be vaxxed for sure: "Hands off of our children!"
(orig. German: "Finger weg von den Kindern") [5]

                  in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 06: Where is normalization,
                  liar Berset, liar Levy? (Wo ist die Normalisierung,
                  Lügen-Berset? Lügen-Levy?)   Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 07: A
                  virus you cannot vaccinate because it's always
                  mutating (1en Virus kann man gar nicht impfen, weil 1
                  Virus immer mutiert!)
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 06: Where is normalization, liar Berset, liar Levy? (Wo ist die Normalisierung, Lügen-Berset? Lügen-Levy?) [6]
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 07: A virus you cannot vaccinate because it's always mutating (1en Virus kann man gar nicht impfen, weil 1 Virus immer mutiert!) [7]

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 08:
                  Without QR code one should be only citizen 2nd class?
                  No way! (Ohne QR-Code soll man nur noch Bürger 2ter
                  Klasse sein? Geht nicht!)   Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 09:
                Children don't need any corona vaccination because
                children hardly die off Corona. So the following is
                right: "It's a crime to vaccinate children."
                (orig. German: "Es ist ein Verbrechen, die Kinder
                zu impfen")
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 08: Without QR code one should be only citizen 2nd class? No way!
(Ohne QR-Code soll man nur noch Bürger 2ter Klasse sein? Geht nicht!) [8]
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 09: Children don't need any corona vaccination because children hardly die off Corona. So the following is right: "It's a crime to vaccinate children." (orig. German: "Es ist ein Verbrechen, die Kinder zu impfen") [9]

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 10: Wake up!   Demo in
                  Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 11: Health Board of Switzeerland
                  (BAG) said in 2020: masks are only for ill people.
                  Quote: "Healthy people should not wear masks.
                  Masks are only for ill people. Quote BAG 2020"
                  (orig. German: "Gesunde Menschen sollten keine
                  Masken tragen. Masken sind nur für Erkrankte.. Zitat
                  BAG 2020")
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 10: Wake up! [10] - Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 11: Health Board of Switzeerland (BAG) said in 2020: masks are only for ill people. Quote:
"Healthy people should not wear masks. Masks are only for ill people. Quote BAG 2020"
(orig. German: "Gesunde Menschen sollten keine Masken tragen. Masken sind nur für Erkrankte.. Zitat BAG 2020") [11]

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 12: Slavery
                  will not be possible. People feeling free in slavery
                  have a fake feeling of freedom. (orig. French: Nul
                  n'est plus déséspérement ésclave que celui qui croit
                  faussement être libre) [12] Let's wake up!
                  (Réveillons-nous!) [12]  
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 12: Slavery will not be possible. People feeling free in slavery have a fake feeling of freedom.
(orig. French: Nul n'est plus déséspérement ésclave que celui qui croit faussement être libre) [12]
Let's wake up! (Réveillons-nous!) [12]

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 13a+b: Basic rights
                    and freedom rights back at once (German: Grund- und
                    Freiheitsrechte sofort zurück!)   Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 13a+b: Basic rights
                    and freedom rights back at once (German: Grund- und
                    Freiheitsrechte sofort zurück!)
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 13a+b: Basic rights and freedom rights back at once (German: Grund- und Freiheitsrechte sofort zurück!) [13a+b]

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 14:
                  NOT vaxxed should be a danger for GENE vxxed? What a
                  BULLSHIT! Quote: "When NOT vaxxed sshould be a
                  dangeer for the GENE vaxxed, against what will be this
                  vaccinations then?" (orig. German: "Wenn
                  Ungeimpfte Geimpfte gefährden, wogegen hilft dann die
                  Impfung?")   Demo in Zurich, Jan.8,
                  2022 15: The demonstration is passing a part of
                  Zurrich Station Street (Bahnhofstrasse)
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 14: NOT vaxxed should be a danger for GENE vxxed? What a BULLSHIT! Quote: "When NOT vaxxed sshould be a dangeer for the GENE vaxxed, against what will be this vaccinations then?" (orig. German: "Wenn Ungeimpfte Geimpfte gefährden, wogegen hilft dann die Impfung?") [14] -
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 15: The demonstration is passing a part of Zurrich Station Street (Bahnhofstrasse) [15]

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 16: The demonstration
                  is passing Zurich banksters zone   Demo in
                  Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 17: Claim: all are welcome!
                  (German: Alle sind Willkommen)  
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 16: The demonstration is passing Zurich banksters zone [16].
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 17: Claim: all are welcome! (German: Alle sind Willkommen) [17]

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8,
                    2022 18: Claim: schooling for ALL without QR code!
                    (German: Bildung für alle OHNE QR-Code!)   Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 19:
                    Criminal government lies, defrauds, and steals. So
                    the order is: "Don't lie - don't defraud -
                    don't steal. The government will not allow any
                    competition! (orig. German: Die kriminelle Regierung
                    lügt, betrügt und klaut! "Lüge nicht - betrüge
                    nicht - stehle nicht. Die Regierung duldet keine
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 18: Claim: schooling for ALL without QR code! (German: Bildung für alle OHNE QR-Code!) [18]
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 19: Criminal government lies, defrauds, and steals. So the order is: "Don't lie - don't defraud - don't steal. The government will not allow any competition! (orig. German: Die kriminelle Regierung lügt, betrügt und klaut! "Lüge nicht - betrüge nicht - stehle nicht. Die Regierung duldet keine Konkurrenz!) [19]

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 20: NEVER VACCINATE
                    is asking: "WHERE is the normalization, liar
                    Berset? liar Levy?"  
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 20: NEVER VACCINATE is asking: "WHERE is the normalization, liar Berset? liar Levy?" [20]
Berset is a Swiss businesmann simulating a Health Minister in the Swiss government, and Levy is a businesswoman simulating a woman Health boss off BAG [20]

Berset is Health Minister in the Swiss government in Bern, and Mrs. Levy is Head of Swiss Health Department BAG in Liebefeld near Bern. Both have only lied that the vaccines would be safe, but now one should vaccinate all 3 or 4 months. And they are lying without end about hospitals, they play with masks, tests, quarantines, lockdowns and with closings and discriminations against NOT vaxxed with 3G, with 2G etc. All this is RUBBISH what they are committing here. Because: ONE CANNOT VACCINATE A VIRUS because it's always mutating. A flu is healing with medical food which is HIDDEN by Berset and Levy. They are puppets of Bill Gates, Schwab, and WEF.

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8,
                    2022 21: On Helvetia Square (Helvetiaplatz) the
                    Swiss "Red Line" is presented   Demo in Zurich,
                    Jan.8, 2022 22: After the demonstration: chatting
                    and contacting with the flag of the Friends of the
                    Constitution (Freunde der Verfassung) on Helvetia
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 21: On Helvetia Square (Helvetiaplatz) the Swiss "Red Line" is presented [21]
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 22: After the demonstration: chatting and contacting with the flag of the Friends of the Constitution (Freunde der Verfassung) on Helvetia Square [22]

Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 23: Demonstration
                  bells of the Freedom Trychler at Helvetia Square   Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022
                  24: Street sign "Freedom Square"
                  ("Platz-der-Freiheit") made by the Friends
                  of the Constitution
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 23: Demonstration bells of the Freedom Trychler at Helvetia Square [23]
Demo in Zurich, Jan.8, 2022 24: Street sign "Freedom Square" ("Platz-der-Freiheit") made by the Friends of the Constitution [24]

Demonstration in Vienna of Jan.8, 2022 against Corona madness of Nehammer and Mückstein

Nehammer is the corrupt Chancellor de Austria, and Mückstein is the corrupt Minister of Health of Austria. Both are paid by Soros.

-- Demo in Vienna against Corona madness Jan.8, 2022: "Your syringe will break with us" (orig. German: "An uns bricht eure Nadel"):
Telegram: https://t.me/oliverjanich/84734

Demo in Vienna against Corona madness Jan.8,
                  2022: "Your syringe will break with us"
                  (orig. German: "An uns bricht eure Nadel")
Demo in Vienna against Corona madness Jan.8, 2022: "Your syringe will break with us" (orig. German: "An uns bricht eure Nadel") [13]

-- Demo in Vienna against Corona madness Jan.8, 2022: The banner says: "We are the wave breakers" (German: "Wir sind die Wellenbrecher"):
from Telegram: https://t.me/oliverjanich/84733

Demo in Vienna against
                  Corona madness Jan.8, 2022: The banner says: "We
                  are the wave breakers" (German: "Wir sind
                  die Wellenbrecher")
Demo in Vienna against Corona madness Jan.8, 2022: The banner says: "We are the wave breakers" (German: "Wir sind die Wellenbrecher") [14]

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