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Coronavirus19 5m: healings 07: food with shikimic acid 01

Black cumin against the spike protein - shikimic acid blocks the spike protein+prevents blood clots: pine needles, fennel, star anise, St. John's wort, comfrey leaves.

   9.7.2022: Wahrheitswisser gegen
                                Impflügner: Aus dem "The great
                                reset" des kriminellen Schwab wird
                                "The great resist"  23.7.2022: Urkunde für
                                          UNgeimpfte Legende  
July 9, 2022: Truthers against vaccination liars: "The great reset" of criminal Mr. Schwab becomes "The great resist" [17].
July 23, 2022: Certificate for UNvaccinated legends [1] - from: Vaccine damage Switzerland Corona vaccination, [23.07.2022 12:19]


presented by Michael Palomino
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Healings Sep 29, 2022: Shikimic acid in food stopping the spike protein: Black cumin against the spike protein - shikimic acid blocks the spike protein+prevents blood clots: pine needles, fennel, star anise, St. John's wort, comfrey leaves.
Foods with shikimic acid stop the transfer of spike proteins
(orig. German: Lebensmittel mit Shikimisäure halten die Übertragung von Spike-Proteinen auf)

Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [29.09.2022 18:18]
[Forwarded from 🌱 GesundBrunnen - Liebe dein Leben 🌱]

Spike protein problems

Whether it is a naturally acquired infection or a result of Covid 19 vaccination, spike protein has been shown to cause blood clots (link) and damage cells in the body (link) by lowering ACE2 levels in lung receptors and inhibiting mitochondrial function, leading to inflammation and vascular damage.

Studies also show (link) that the spike protein is localized in the nucleus and impairs the ability of our cells to repair DNA by inhibiting the "important DNA repair protein BRCA1."

 Dr. Shankara Chetty predicts (link):

"... Our cells will no longer be able to rejuvenate and repair themselves...this will accelerate the aging process, ...the disease process.... The cells that are damaged and remain viable will be so damaged that they will become cancerous. So we're going to see an explosion of cancers like we've never seen before. The same is true for the explosion of autoimmune diseases like we've never seen before."

Spike Protein Solutions

The World Health Council (WCH) says (link):

"Given the reluctance of health authorities and most of the medical establishment to address the importance of natural immunity," the solution is to "strengthen health" and "optimize our natural immunity and resilience."

Black cumin blocks spike protein

There are also several research findings showing that black cumin seed binds to ACE2 receptors and stops the damaging spike protein. They also prevent cytokine storms, which is an overreaction of the affected immune system that leads to further damage or even death.

Foods with shikimic acid is blocking the spike protein+is preventing blood clots

Foods containing shikimic acid, a plant-based active ingredient, also stop spike protein transmission, prevent spike protein from causing damage, and prevent the forming of blood clots.

Pine needles
Pine Needle Extract Link 

Research has shown (link) that pine needles prevent the formation of blood clots. The University of Maine explains (link) that shikimic acid can be extracted from the needles of white pine, red pine and other conifers by simply making tea with hot water.

Water serves as a solvent, and the heat extracts the phytochemicals in the pine needles into the water.


Another food with the active ingredient shikimic acid is fennel, a plant from the carrot and celery family that has been used as a medicine for thousands of years.

As with pine needles, fennel seeds are boiled in water to obtain the active healing ingredient (link) shikimic acid.

Star Anise

Star anise is a star-shaped fruit used as a spice and contains many active medicinal ingredients (link). Shikimic acid from star anise is also the active ingredient in flu medicines such as Tamiflu.

Former nurse Jacqueline suggests (link):

"Make your own tea blend of organic fennel seeds and organic star anise (must be organic so you know it has the highest potency because you know the source). You can also add spices such as cinnamon sticks and cloves."

Other foods: St. John's wort+comfrey leaves

In another study (link), shikimic acid combined with quercetin, even at low doses, was found to be even more effective in boosting our own innate antiviral immunity system.

World Council for Health (WCH) also recommends (link) St. John's wort and comfrey leaves as effective sources of shikimic acid.


Healings Sep 29, 2022: Shikimic acid in food stopping the spike protein: Black cumin against the spike protein - shikimic acid blocks the spike protein+prevents blood clots: pine needles, fennel, star anise, St. John's wort, comfrey leaves.
Foods with shikimic acid stop the transfer of spike proteins
(orig. German: Lebensmittel mit Shikimisäure halten die Übertragung von Spike-Proteinen auf)

Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [29.09.2022 18:18]
[Forwarded from 🌱 GesundBrunnen - Liebe dein Leben 🌱]

Black cumin blocks spike protein

There are also several research findings showing that black cumin seed binds to ACE2 receptors and stops the damaging spike protein. They also prevent cytokine storms, which is an overreaction of the affected immune system that leads to further damage or even death.

Foods with shikimic acid is blocking the spike protein+is preventing blood clots

Foods containing shikimic acid, a plant-based active ingredient, also stop spike protein transmission, prevent spike protein from causing damage, and prevent the forming of blood clots.

Pine needles
Pine Needle Extract
Link: https://www.cellavita.de/gesundheit/naturstoffe/kiefernadel-extrakt/kiefernadel-extrakt-vita-100ml

Research has shown
Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/277348748_Content_Analysis_of_Shikimic_Acid_in_the_Masson_Pine_Needles_and_Antiplatelet-aggregating_Activity
that pine needles prevent the formation of blood clots. The University of Maine explains
Link: https://archive.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/articles/2010/11/07/maine_pine_needles_yield_valuable_tamiflu_material/
that shikimic acid can be extracted from the needles of white pine, red pine and other conifers by simply making tea with hot water.

Water serves as a solvent, and the heat extracts the phytochemicals in the pine needles into the water.


Another food with the active ingredient shikimic acid is fennel, a plant from the carrot and celery family that has been used as a medicine for thousands of years.

As with pine needles, fennel seeds are boiled in water to obtain the active healing ingredient shikimic acid.
Link: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305639160_Anti-platelet_and_anti-thrombogenic_effects_of_shikimic_acid_in_sedentary_population

Star Anise

Star anise is a star-shaped fruit used as a spice and contains many active medicinal ingredients.
Link: https://draxe.com/nutrition/star-anise/
Shikimic acid from star anise is also the active ingredient in flu medicines such as Tamiflu.

Former nurse Jacqueline suggests
Link: https://deeprootsathome.com/3-foods-that-contain-shikimic-acid-to-halt-transmission

"Make your own tea blend of organic fennel seeds and organic star anise (must be organic so you know it has the highest potency because you know the source). You can also add spices such as cinnamon sticks and cloves."

Other foods: St. John's wort+comfrey leaves

In another study
Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jmv.21072
shikimic acid combined with quercetin, even at low doses, was found to be even more effective in boosting our own innate antiviral immunity system.

World Council for Health (WCH) also recommends St. John's wort and comfrey leaves as effective sources of shikimic acid.
Link: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

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Achtung: Neues Corona kommt - Trinkwasservergiftung durch SCHLANGENGIFT
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden (seit Dezember 2021 "postpandemische Belastungsstörung" oder "LongCovid" genannt)
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden bei SportlerInnen (sportlich)
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden bei Piloten und Crews
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfungen gegen Kinder - SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden bei Kindern
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden Transhumane Kinder
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden bei Babys (Neugeborene, Missbildungen, Geburtsschaden, Geburtsfehler)
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden Vaccidents (Kontrollverlust am Steuer)

Ausreden für SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschäden
Kreuzfahrtschiffe mit Corona
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfungen gegen Tiere
Shedding am Handy!
Shedding bei Tieren
Neue Grippeviren, die aber kein Corona sind
Medizinisches Coronasymptome
Medizinisches Heilung von Corona
Medizinisches Inhaltsstoffe
Medizinisches Immunsystem
Medizinisches Ansteckung
Medizinisches: Viren gibt es nicht
Medizinisches mit Mutation (Mutationen, Varianten)
Medizinisches mit Autopsie+Einbalsamierer
Medizinisches mit VAIDS
Medizinisches: Schlangengift
Medizinisches: Heilversuche gegen die tödlichen SCHLANGENGIFTimpfungen
Medizinisches: Blutgruppe als Faktor (Blutgruppen)

Zahlen: Falsche Zählung
Zahlen: Armut durch Coronawahn
Tests wo man sich testen lassen kann (Antikörpertests)
Tests wo man sein Blut testen lassen kann (Bluttest mit Dunkelfeldmikroskopie)
Lockdown und Quarantäne

SCHLANGENGIFTgeimpfte müssen NIE in Quarantäne
Tödlicher SCHLANGENGIFTimpfwahn
Tödlicher SCHLANGENGIFTimpfwahn Inhaltsstoffe
Tödlicher SCHLANGENGIFTimpfwahn 5 Jahre lang
Tödlicher SCHLANGENGIFTimpfwahn mit Chargen (Chargenspiele)
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SCHLANGENGIFTgeimpfte sind ansteckend
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Tödliche SCHLANGENGIFTimpfwerbung
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfwerbung mit Nötigung durch kr. und sinnlose Tests
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfung nützt nichts gegen Corona / schützt nicht vor Corona / hilft nicht gegen Corona
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfmorde "plötzlich und unerwartet" (Impftote - das Massaker durch die SCHLANGENGIFTimpfungen)

SCHLANGENGIFTimpfmorde bei SportlerInnen
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfmorde bei Schwangeren / Ungeborenen / Fehlgeburten / Totgeburten
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden Unfruchtbarkeit+Fehlgeburten: Geburtenrate sinkt = Geburtenrückgang = Geburteneinbruch
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfmorde bei Piloten+Crews
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfmorde an Kindern (Kindermorde)
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfmorde Vaccidents (Tod am Steuer mit Verkehrsunfall, Kontrollverlust am Steuer)
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfungen provozieren mehr Selbstmorde
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfmorde und Bestatter und Krematorien

SCHLANGENGIFTimpfmorde und Versicherungen
Gestorben an Corona ohne Impfung - und ohne Kenntnisse um Naturmedizin
Selbstmord durch Impfdruck und Gruppenzwang
Selbstmord nach SCHLANGENGIFTimpfung wegen SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschäden
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfzwang / Zwangsimpfung durch Erpressung
SCHLANGENGIFTimpfzwang durch Gruppendruck
3., 4., 5. SCHLANGENGIFTimpfung
Heilmittel gegen die SCHLANGENGIFTimpfung (Heilung von SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschaden, Heilversuche)
Diskriminierung mit Zertifikat
Diskriminierung von gesunden UNgeimpften (Apartheid)
Diskriminierung von gesunden UNgeimpften mit Denunziantentum
Diskriminierung von gesunden UNgeimpften mit 2G, 3G, etc. (Apartheid)
Diskriminierung mit 1G=SCHLANGENGIFTgeimpft (1G-Apartheid)
Diskriminierung mit 1G=getestet (1G-Apartheid)
Diskriminierung von SCHLANGENGIFTgeimpften generell (Apartheid gegen Geimpfte)
Diskriminierung von 2fach SCHLANGENGIFTgeimpften ohne 3. SCHLANGENGIFTimpfung (Apartheid gegen 2fach SCHLANGENGIFTgeimpfte)
Diskriminierung von FALSCH Geimpften (Apartheid gegen andere Impfstoffe)
Diskriminierung von Leuten ohne QR-Code (Apartheid)
Diskriminierung von FALSCHEN Ungeimpften
Diskriminierung+Coronamassnahmen nützen nichts gegen Corona - Coronawahn nützt nichts
Naturzerstörung / Umweltbelastung
Costapo (Nazi-Schweine in Uniform für den Impf-Fascho-Staat)
Costapo kriminelle Antifa
Spionage dank Coronawahn
Sippenhaft mit "Impfquoten" - voll Fascho!
Schwangere mit SCHLANGENGIFTimpfung
Spitaldesaster / Spitalnotstand

Spitaldesaster falsche Zählung
Spitaldesaster Intensivstationen: https://www.linker.ch/eigenlink/corona_covid19_maps.htm
Spitaldesaster OP-Saal mit SCHLANGENGIFTgeimpfte
Spital bleibt menschlich
Firmendesaster / Betriebsdesaster mit Personalmangel
Kriminelle Regierungen

Kriminelle Regierungen im Militärwahn (Militarisierung für Zwangsimpfung)
Kriminelle Regierungen wollen zahlen (wollen bezahlen, Entschädigung von SCHLANGENGIFTimpfschäden, Schadenersatz)
Täter 5G
Morde an Covid19-Pionieren
Kriminelle Ärzte-Mafia - Mafia-Ärzte

UNgeimpfte Goldstücke sind fast nie krank
UNgeimpfte Goldstücke müssen einspringen
Widerstand! (Einen Virus kann man GAR NICHT impfen, weil ein Virus IMMER MUTIERT!)
Widerstand mit Demo: Friede, Freiheit, Demokratie
Widerstand mit Konvoy
Widerstand der MoSSad-Rothschild-Medien:
Warnung vor SCHLANGENGIFT-GENimpfungen etc.
Widerstand mit Klage (Justiz)
Widerstand mit Streik
Widerstand normal leben

Widerstand: Revolution gegen Satanisten-Reset
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Fascho-Regierungen / Fascho-Staaten
Fascho-Regierungen mit KZ-Strategie
Ziel Great Reset der Satanisten

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