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Coronavirus19 5i: April 17, 2021:
Warning by Dr. Bhakdi from deadly genetic vaccines
PCR test is a FAKE - mortality rate of genetic vaccines is 1 to 2% - immune enhancement overreaction 6 months later - book "Corona Unmasked"
Video: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi WARNS: COVID Shots to "Decimate World Population" (check links in description) (39'12'')
Video: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi WARNS: COVID Shots to "Decimate World Population" (check links in description) (19'12'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/1f9M4JpMOXTN/ - Bitchute channel: Creatrix13 | Click ABOUT and check links - installed on April 17, 2021
What is called the Corona19 policy? - OVERPROTECTION - Governments go to psychiatry! (Michael Palomino, Jan.31, 2021)
How you survive a vaccionation? Simply NEVER GET VACCINATED! (Michael Palomino, Feb.2, 2021)
presented by Michael Palomino (2021)
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Video-Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1f9M4JpMOXTN/
Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi WARNS: COVID Shots to "Decimate World Population" (check links in description (39'12'')
(orig. Englisch: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi WARNS: COVID Shots to "Decimate World Population" (check links in description (39'12'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/1f9M4JpMOXTN/ - Bitchute channel: Creatrix13 | Click ABOUT and check links - installed on April 17, 2021
The interview word by word:
Bhakdi: Don't believe, don't believe this lie guys (4''), for God's sake (6''), and for God's sake, inform yourself (8''), before you let yourself and your beloved ones be vaccinated (12''), because: If you have been vaccinated once [with the genetic vaccinations] (15''), and guys, don't get a third, a fourth, a fifth, because if you do that (21''), you are going to contribute to the decimation of the world's population (26'').
Logo: New American - TheNewAmerican.com (30'')
Newman introduces Bhakdi
Alex Newman:
Hello, I am here with The New American and we got more coverage about the Covid issues (35''), and the vaccines, and we have a very special guest, we have seen him on FOX NEWS where he first came (41'') with very interesting comments he made (44'') on Laure Ingwan's Program (46''), here is German microbiologist and Doctor, Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (54''), and he has an incredible background, an incredible interesting career (56''), in whatever fields (59''). He has had some ideas about Coronavirus (1'2''), vaccines, they cannot go to the mainstream narratives (1'6''). So Dr. Bhakdi, what are you telling us today? (1'9''):
Bhakdi: Glad to be here (1'11'').
Alex Newman:
Tell us your thoughts on Covid pandemic (1'16''). We are told that this is existential crisis, that we have got a lockdown, that we have socialism, that we have got to put masks on (1'22''). What is your view on the pandemic and the government's reaction to this pandemic? (1'29'')
1. PCR test is a FAKE
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi about the PCR fake test [3]
Bhakdi: The PCR test is nonsense, is mostly FALSE positive - and the measures are RIDICULOUS NONSENSE
Bhakdi: I think that the pandemic is a fake (1'35''). It was based on a PCR test that was highly a fake, that means dangerously inaccurate (1'47''), giving false positive data (1'49''). That was unfortunately taken as the main diagnostic criteria (1'57''). Now before Covid - I am a doctor, and we were taught: People, when you see someone who is ill, what you have to do is (2'7''): Look at the patient, examine him, and if you need to have a laptist [?] to support the diagnosis (2'13''), you go for it (2'15''). But this Covid19 business is completely crazy (2'19''). People who are not ill, who have no symptoms (2'22''), are tested with a test, that is lying most of the time [93% FALSE positives] (2'27''), and if it turns out positive, you are cited to quarantine, measures are taken and blablabla (2'33''). You are forced, you MUST do social distancing (2'37''). Everything that anyone has thought about is, read about it, knows: this is absolutely ridiculous nonsense (2'46''). In a nutshell (2'51'').
Talk a little bit about the PCR test. I have read something about this, I have seen videos about this with Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test (3'1''), you don't use this unless somebody has a virus infection (3'5''), tell us a little bit about the mechanics: How does the PCR test show a positive Covid when the person is not really infected with a transmitting disease (3'16'')?
Bhakdi: The comparison of virus and pieces of the virus - 1 dollar and 1 cent - 20 and 27 cycles of doubling
Bhakdi: All right. This brilliant invention of Kary Mullis - who got the Nobel Prize for it (3'24'') - correctly - ... you just need this test - but what does this test do? (3'31'') - It's - you know - you masterply something, the gene of a virus (3'39''), the fragment of a gene of a virus (3'41''). Now, to put this into a substance that anyone can understand (3'46''): You take one dollar, ok, and you masterply one dollar by two (3'52''), you double it every minute (3'57''). How many minutes do you need to make a million dollars of that one dollar if you double it every minute? (4'5'') - The answer is: You need 20 minutes. That's what you need, ok (4'9''). If you have 1 cent, how many minutes do you need to get from 1 cent to 1 million dollar if you double every minute? (4'18'') - The answer is 27, ok? (4'21'') - So, the threshold of your joy, when you reach 1 million dollar, is 20 for 1 dollar, and 27 for 1 cent (4'34''). Now, you cannot buy anything for 1 cent (4'38''), but you can buy things for 1 dollar, ok? (4'42''). If you see, the 1 dollar, that is the infectious virus, ok? (4'48''). And the 1 cent is bits and pieces of the virus (4'51''). That will never come to life again (4'54''). Then you say: The cycle threshold that you need to reach, is only 20, when you have the virus, but it is more than 20 if you don't have the virus (5'8''), just fragments of the dead virus, ok? (5'12'').
Bhakdi: PCR test is 45 cycles doubling for nothing
So, the PCR test does work, but you have to know, how many cycles you should use and how many cycles must not be trespassed (5'29''). Because if you say, the test is positive, when the number of cycles that you have needed to get to 1 million dollar (5'40''), was 20 or less, then you know you got the virus (5'44''). But if the number of cycles have gone through to get 1 million dollar MORE THAN TWENTY, you know that you did not have the virus (5'53''). This threshold was never set for the so called PCR (5'59''), the Covid19 PCR, because it could not have been set (6'3'').
See, the thing is this (6'5''): That German lab (laboratory) that created the PCR, is the most used PCR in the world (6'13''). It was followed by many others (6'16''). They used - they went through 45 cycles, 45, ok? (6'25'') - We have seen that the numbers 20 and 27 are approximately right for the virus in fact (6'30''). And they said: ANYTHING that leads us to positive, is to be taken as a positive test (6'38''). So, if you are healthy, and you get this test, and you have a cycle threshold of 40 (6'47''), you are to be said to quarantine (6'50''). And there is known that there is NO virus (6'54''). And that is why the whole world has panic now (6'57''), because the government said: Clearfully taken this up (7'2''). You know the German chancellor Merkel, she says: Yea, we use this test (7'7'').
Bhakdi: Comparison of PCR test with alcohol test - complete nonsense for quarantine
And, just the trouble about this test is - I reckon [compare] this now to alcohol test (7'16''): If you have a breath test by alcohol, you blow and you have drunk 1 liter of Vodka, so up you go to 1.0 (7'26''). And bye bye, your license is gone, right? (7'30'') - Now, if you haven't drunk anything, you have drunk 1 mill (1/1000) of Vodka, it goes up to 0.01 [0.001] (7'35''), that's nothing, you can keep on driving for ever (7'40''), but with the PCR test, you have to give up your license! (7'42'')
Bhakdi: PCR test is giving an alarm also with OTHER viruses - Vodka and vinegar - PCR test is NOT calibrated, but they are testing just for fun
There is no ..., and the trouble is that - this test is not so specific (7'50''), meaning that it lights up not only with the Corona Covid19 virus, the SARS-Covid2 (7'59''), it is common to light up an alarm light when you have a normal flu virus (8'3''), or another coronavirus (8'5''). You see, it's like as if the alcohol test was not really specific (8'10''), it could light up may be if you had vinegar (8'17''), ok? But if it would be sensitive, so, if you had a lot of vinegar (8'24''), so it would light up and see, oh you had 1.0 vinegar (8'29''), [when the test would be sensible] it would light up and say: it's 0.01 (8'32''). And off you go, you have Covid (8'34''). WRONG DIAGNOSIS, that is what they want to put through (8'38''). So, most of these diagnosis are either wrong, or they are false because the CT value, Cycle Threshold, has not been taken care of (8'48''). And it could not have been taken care of, because Mr. Drosten, our German expert (8'53''), who set this whole thing in motion (8'56'').
Bhakdi: PCR test is not calibrated - there is NO virus to calibrate the test! - Complete nonsense for quarantine
You see, if you have an alcohol test (8'59''), and you want to calibrate this test (9'2''), you need alcohol to calibrate it, right? (9'4'') - You will have to know: This is 1.0 because you put 1.0 alcohol in there (9'8''). Now, what people don't realize, is that brilliant lab (laboratory) created this brilliant test, NEVER HAD THE VIRUS to calibrate the test with (9'19''). They NEVER HAD IT (9'21''). And they did not know, how many cycles had to go through (9'24''), so that you could say: You know, you had a virus (9'27''). This is the amazing thing about it (9'29''). The amazing thing about it. And you Americans, there are things that shocked me most (9'36'').
2. Medical doctors lost their brains
Bhakdi: His mother was a medical doctor - but since 2020, "American" doctors have forgotten all details how medicine works!
You know, I am actually a born American, born John Hopkins Hospital, my mother was there a doctor, yea (9'43''), and you guys, I was locked to the American doctors because my mother was a wonderful doctor (9'54''). [And now since 2020, what happened?] Everyone has lost everything (9'59''). You have forgotten the medicine (10'1''). Dr. Fauci, your head of blablabla (10'4''), they lost everything, doesn't know about anything any more (10'7''). How can this be? (10'9'') - It cannot be that the American doctors and scientists have forgotten this (10'15''). And that's what makes me really worried (10'19''). If they havn't forgotten it, why in God's name they don't stand up and say: That is NONSENSE! (10'25'') - How do you allow...
Why do not more people speak about this? (10'32'')
Bhakdi: The empty heads are making propaganda for genetic vaccinations
Bhakdi: Why have [Where have] the doctors and scientists been? (10'36'') - God damn it - it's just terrible (10'39''). Instead, what they are doing is: They are forcing the vaccination on people (10'43''), and I believe they are killing people with this vaccination (10'46''). And they feel good about it! (10'50'') - Or they see they feel good about it. How can this be? (10'52'') - Don't you feel ashamed of yourself? (10'55'') [They are all bribed by Soros!]
So you think the vaccines are dangerous - what you think is going on with this? (11'2'') - Why you think they are dangerous? And what's going to be happening in your view? (11'8'') - There are masses vaccinated, in some states we have new numbers with 50% of people vaccinated, what's coming down the pipe? (11'14'')
Bhakdi: Israel with Pfizer genetic vaccines has turned into a hell - and "America" also will be a hell with it
Bhakdi: Very, very bad (11'16''). You are heading for the greatest catastrophe in history (11'20''). If you don't watch out - I tell you - you are going to go the same way that Israel has gone (11'27''). Israel has been turned into [a] living hell (11'30''). And when I think that my birth country - America - is going to be living in hell, I know that I will never come back to America, never (11'42''). Now listen, there are 3 things I wanted to say about this (11'46''):
3. The virus is in the lung cells, and the antibodies are in the blood
Bhakdi: the virus is in the lung cells - but the antibody is in the blood - so there is NO PROTECTION BY VACCINATION!
First of all: The whole nonsense about the vaccine being inefficient is because - you know - protecting - how can that be? How can you guys believe that sort of thing? (12'1'') - You know, if I were an antibody, ok, that had been produced because I have been vaccinated (12'9''). I have been floating around in this room, this is the blood stream, ok? (12'12'') - Now: Why does this virus come? (12'17'') - It comes through the front door (12'19''), it doesn't come into the blood (12'21''). It goes into the lung, and into the lung cell, all right? (12'26'') - Now the antibodies are not there, guys, don't you realize this? (12'30'') - They are in the blood (12'30''). And the amount of antibodies that arn't there waiting to catch the virus that's coming in through the air, this minuscule, and this is known! (12'40'') - I was teaching this to the students for 40 years (12'44''). That's why this is virtually impossible to prevent an infection that comes from the airway (12'51''). What you can do - after that bug has entered your airway epithelium cell (12'58''), is to prevent it, disseminating in the body by the blood stream (13'2''). This is what for instance the vaccination against pneumococcai or mininducoccai aims it (13'10'') - to prevent the dissemination in the blood (13'14''). Ok? Now - this virus does not disseminating the blood (13'19''). It kills people because it's in the lung (13'22'') - and because the lung suffers, all right? (13'25'') - So, how can anyone think that by vaccinating oneself one can be protected the answer infection of the lung? (13'34'') - This is completely naive (13'39''), completely (13'40''). And I wonder that my American associate physicians colleagues don't stand up and tell you guys about this (13'50''). Why do you have to wait for me to camera to tell you this? (13'53'') - I have learnt this from the American teachers (13'58''), from the American text books (14'1'').
4. Low mortality rate of Corona19 - this is NOT a pandemic - NO vaccination is needed!
Bhakdi: Low mortality rate of Corona19 with people under 70 is only 0.05% - NO vaccination is needed! - vaccination makes NO SENSE!
Now, the second thing is this: If you are under 70 years of age, and not seriously - you don't have a preexisting condition (14'16''), you are not to have a really really difficult time dying of Covid19 (14'25''). It's virtually impossible (14'27''). You know, in some words greatest epidemiologist is John Ioannidis of Stanford [California] I hope everyone [not understandable] (14'36''), is John Ioannidis you know, he is much more famous than I am (14'41''). He is just amazing (14'45''). And he has been telling you know - what is it? You know, he told you this and now he is telling you this again (14'52''), 5 months ago (14'54''). The infection lethality rate for people under 70 world wide is in the hold [?] of 0.05% (15'6''). 0.05 - guys, you know what that means? (15'9'') - Of 10,000 people who get infected - who get infected with this damn virus - which is NOT a killer virus (15'17'') - and it is NOT a killer virus because of those 10,000, we have a maximum of FIVE will die (15'24''). You know this is very very little (15'27''). You have to realize that's all only mean (15'30''). If you come and tell me that the vaccine is efficacious (15'35''), it got to lower that incidence (15'38''). So it has got to go from FIVE per 10,000 infected - to LESS THAN FIVE per 10,000 infected (15'46''). And you can believe me: NO clinical trial has been designed to show this (15'52''). You would have to vaccinate millions of people (15'57''), if not billions (15'59''). And then count those who have been vaccinated and those who have NOT been vaccinated (16'5'') - to see that those in the non vaccinated group die more often (16'13''). And in fact, this has NEVER been shown (16'16'') to the claim, that these vaccines are efficacious (16'20''). It is a lie (16'21''). You have to realize this (16'22''). It has never been shown (16'24''), because this is not about protecting against a cough or a cold (16'28''), it's a question of protecting against severe illness and death (16'34''). I don't want a vaccine, that might kill me (16'38''), that will protect me against having a cold or flu (16'43''), that does not make any sense (16'44''), who ever - it doesn't (16'47'').
[So the purpose of the vaccinations is ANOTHER ONE - killing people by genetic elements for the depopulation program!]Bhakdi: The vaccinations were never tested - and elder people are dying in rows now
You know - now we come to the last part: The people who might profit from this vaccine - MIGHT (16'55'') - of course they won't, because the antibody can't protect anyway (16'59'') - but theoretically, would be the elderly with pre-existing illness (17'6''). But - and, if vaccines were available, that was shown to be efficacious [?] protecting these people (17'14''), I wouldn't mind at all (17'16''), I am not an anti vax (17'18''), I have always been a pro vax (17'19''). I have always taught that vaccination is very very good (17'23''), but NOT THIS vaccine (17'26''). This is very very bad, ok (17'30''). Because of course it has never been tested in the elderly with pre-existing diseases, if they had done that, there would have been strings of deaths (17'37''), that we are now seeing around the world (17'38''), without anyone doing any damn thing about it (17'42''), which I think is so unethical (17'44''), so unethical (17'46''), it's criminal (17'48''). And I dare to stand up and to fight anyone who is going to say the opposite (17'55'').
5. The packages of the genes - the trash of it - the killer lymphocytes
Bhakdi: genetic injection with packages of the genes
Now: What is this vaccine - why is this vaccine so dangerous? (18'0'')
Now let's go to the last part, ok? (18'2'')
It's useless for the young UNDER 17 (18'5''). It's useless for the elderly because it has not been tested (18'11''). And why is it then... why is it dangerous? Why do I think it's dangerous? (18'15'') - I want to tell you:
[First Dr. Bhakdi shows how a NORMAL vaccine is working]:
So, if this is the virus' hand (showing his hand in the camera), that is going to open the door to yourself - ok (18'24'') (one hand has taken the other hand in form of a fist) (18'24'') - the theory behind all of this [vaccination is only a THEORY!] is that you go to take this hand, put it in your body so that you make antibodies against this hand (18'35''), so that these antibodies when hand hand comes to grasp the hand (18'38'') - this (hand with fist) is now an antibody and this is the hand, will come and stop it (18'43'') from grasping the handing (18'44''). Now, that would be a conventional vaccine (18'52'').
Dr. Bhakdi explains a NORMAL vaccine (theory): An intruder is stopped by an antibody 01 [4] - Dr. Bhakdi: An intruder ist stopped by an antibody 02 [5]
The modern vaccines which are team based are different (18'57''). And they are different because you don't take the hand [but] they take the gene that contains the information for the hand (19'6''). The gene though - you are getting packages of the gene [the gene with a protection layer around - the vesicle], that encodes the hand (19'14''), and they are putting it in your muscle [showing the shoulder] (19'16'') - not one, [but] a billion packages, ok (19'21''). That goes into the muscle (19'26''). That goes into your lymph (19'28''), but it goes also into your blood stream (19'32''). And this has never been told to you, guys (19'37''). You are getting a viral gene into your blood stream and to their lymph (19'41'').
Bhakdi: the packages of genes enter the body cells - then a platelet comes and activates blood clotting
Now, the blood stream is a closed system of tunnels, ok? (19'48'') - Pipes, pipes, pipes (19'50''). And once in there, in the blood, that package or those packages millions and millions of those packages of the gene (20'1'') WILL NEVER GET OUT AGAIN (20'2''), because THEY ARE TRAPPED, ok? (20'7''). They will then enter the cells, they are offered to, these are the blood cells [the gene vesicle has certain receptors which provoke reactions of the blood cells] (20'14''), but the main cells that they were access (20'18'') - well, no one ever tells you this because no one has ever looked (20'23'') - the companies that have produced those vaccines have never looked and never published, but I tell you (20'28''),
[Pharma industry is keen on inventing genetic vaccines since 2002 with mice and rats, but the animals always die. These trials are published, but MoSSad media are hiding them - see the warnings from microbiologist Mrs. Dr. Vanessa Schmidt and Mrs. Dr. Tenpenny].I thought a lot about this, and I came up with this only answer (20'35'') that the scientists cannot... - it's so cell that the lining the blood ... (20'41''). So, if this is the lining of a blood vessel (20'47'') [he shows a paper with a hole in it] , the blood is all over here [he shows his hand before the paper] (20'51''). This cell takes up that gene, then the cell starts to produce the gene (20'59''). Now these cells line your blood vessels up in all of your body (21'3''). All of it (21'6''). Ok? That cell is now to start producing the gene (21'12''). This virus is the spike protein of the virus, the hand (21'16''). And it will start coming up in the cell [he puts a pencil into the hole in the paper] (21'22'').
[The shell of the mRNA is manipulated in such a way that the blood cell takes the vesicle into the cell, where the vesicle bursts, the mRNA is free and the shell parts are swimming around in the blood without control - see the warnings of Dr. Vanessa Schmidt. These lipid nanoparticles that are swimming around are calle by Bhakdi simply "waste" or "trash"].Bhakdi: there develops trash is in the cell [lipid nano particles from the mRNA package?] - platelet comes and clotting starts
At the same time, waste, trash is produced of this protein, that hasn't been used (21'32''). And that trash is producing the production [?] (21'34''). The cell places her at this side [he puts a gluing rubber on the paper]. (21'38''). So [in the cell] you have the spike [protein] and the waste [the exploded shell of lipid nano particles] (21'42''). Now, this spike itself has a wonderful property (21'48'') - a property that is wonderful for science but not wonderful for you (21'51''). Because it has the propensity, it has the ability to - now what is coming is a platelet [he shows half a wheel of a go card near the pencil] (21'59''). This platelet - those little cells that start blood clotting going (22'5''). The moment [when] it touches this platelet gets activated [he moves the go card wheel to the pencil touching the pencil] (22'12''), and starts one thing, to start the blood clotting (22'16''). Rebrettedmy [?], that another type of cell comes around to see the trash [the lipid nano particles] (22'26''). [now an aluminum plate comes near the rubber] - and this cell is the killer lymphocytes (22'32''). And your killer lymphocytes are trained to see trash of viruses, because then it would come and try to kill the cell that is dary to produce the virus (22'45''), which is the cell that is lying to all (22'49''). The tapistry of your wall (22'50'').
Dr. Bhakdi shows: platelet comes and clotting starts [6] - Dr. Bhakdi shows: killer lymphocytes come [7]
Bhakdi: Nobody knows WHERE the gene packages are taken up by the body cells
Blood vessels (22'53''). This can happen anywhere (22'55''). But - by - you know - in medicine you learn about these things (23'3''). Blood flow in different speeds (23'5''). Blood flows very slowly in your veins, ok? (23'10'') - Blood flows slowly in the vessels, the capillaries (23'15''), because from the lung you have to have this gas exchange, ok? (23'20'') - Ah, God, it's actually so logical (23'25''). Where do you think most of the virus packages are going to be taken up? (23'29'') - I don't know. And the pharmaceutical industry doesn't know because it has never looked (23'34''). They have never looked (23'35''). But they should have looked, damn it, they should have looked (23'39''). Because maybe now you humans have become part of the largest experiment ever performed in history of mankind (23'50''), scientific experiment (23'51''). We are going to find out which of your cells lining your blood vessels are taking up these packages (24'0'') and producing them so that they are going to be attacked by your own immune system and destroyed (24'7''). And that is what is going to send the blood clotting (24'10''). It's got a clot (24'12''). There is no other way (24'13'').
6. Clot formation - clotting factors get used up - bleedings without end
Bhakdi: Clot formation in the brain - cases 1 of 1 million - in the "USA" 300 cases per year - now with genetic vaccinations 100s in months - mass murder - EMA+FDA defense the lethal genetic vaccines (!)
Now, listen very carefully (24'17''): What are the major symptoms that the elder people shown, have had after receiving maybe this first and even more after the second shot of these vaccines? (24'34'') - What is your answer? Headache, right? (24'40'') - Nausea, vomiting (24'43''), dizziness (24'45''), loss of conscious (24'47''), nerve paralysis (24'52'') [in the] face, arms, legs (24'56''), loss of motor control (25'1''), you know [there come] these [never ending] jerking movements (25'3''). And you know, when I heard all of this, I was asking myself: And of course pain in the muscle? (25'10'') - What could be the common denominator? (25'14''). And the answer came to me - and this was back in January [2021] (25'18'') - and I talked about it at that time (25'20'') - and we wrote it and we published this (25'23''). In February [2021] it was that we believed - we is my wife and I (25'30'') - ehm, ... we predicted that there will be very severe thrombotic events (25'44''), very severe, because: Especially these headaches, loss of consciouses, nausea, vomiting, is the typical sign that the blood is clotting in the veins of your brain (26'1''). Very, very rare (26'5''). The incidence of cerebral venous thromboses is one to a million per million per year (26'13''). So there are going to be 300 cases of - don't mind the phone please - in America a year [1 case for 1 million, for 300 million people in the "USA" that makes 300 cases per year] (26'25'').
Now, you may have realized that cerebral venous thrombosis has now been diagnosed in those victims, and that the EMA - this funny organization - said (26'38''): Well, this is unfortunate, but the benefit of this vaccination far upways the risks (26'44''). I couldn't imagine this (26'46''). And now what the FDA, you guys, I am seeing the same thing, I can't believe this (26'51''). I cannot believe this (26'53''), because for every 1 person who has died because of a thrombosis in the brain veins (27'0''), a 100 have suffered, and a 100 might also have died (27'4''). Every clot formation is potentially lethal (27'10'').
Bhakdi: Death by clotting - clotting formers are used up - the victims start bleeding everywhere
You know, you have clot forming in the leg veins, and if you get released, you become pulmonary embolisms (27'19'') that also will kill you, why don't people think about this? (27'23'') - And you know with that point: A lot of clotting goes on, these clotting factors get used up [the body has no clotting factors fore clotting any more] (27'31''), this is like you have used all your money, you have no more money, you used all your clotting factors (27'37''). You cannot clot any more (27'39''), and these people can bleed. Have you ever seen people with these skin bleedings? (27'44'') - Or have you ever heard of people who have had massive bleeding in the brain that causes death? (27'51'') Might not all of this have been - you know - the result of massive cluthing - clotting (28'0'').
7. Warnings from genetic vaccines: death will come
Bhakdi: microbiologists are warning and warning
And we are trying, we are trying so hard to make you realize (28'5''), also you guys who are telling us that this vaccine is so important and saving lives (28'11''). Don't continue this. Remember that YOU may be the next to go (28'18''). And it's on on you, it's your family, your loved ones, your children (28'24''). And when I am saying this, I am not taking any parts (28'28''). You know, we are not [from the pharma], we are completely neutral, we are scientists, not left, not right, not up, not down (28'36''). We are just trying to serve you (28'39'') and your children (28'41''). Actually, I have to say, I don't care if Merkel takes this, I don't care if Biden takes it (28'47''), but I DO CARE if the children of my neighbors are going to be forced to take this (28'53''), or the [adult] neighbors themselves (28'54'').
Yea doctor this is sobering beyond the words (29'0''), what words can explain (29'2''), it's absolutely terrifying (29'4''), ahm, in your view, once somebody has taken this shot, is it possible to reverse or to mitigate? Is there any mechanism they can try to reverse this process? Try to prevent this [the effect]? (29'19'')
[It seems rare that Bhakdi is NOT responding to these questions but goes on explaining the genetic vaccinations]:
8. Genetic vaccinations with immune enhancement 6 months later - over reaction [challenge test!]
Bhakdi: young people with strong immune system have most severe symptoms - elder people with moderate immune system
No, let myself very clear the time to (29'25''). The intensity of the reaction of the damage will be dependent on your lymphocytes, your immune system (29'42''). Someone with a very strong immune system trained in combat against to see the waste products of coronaviruses are going to be more aggressive (29'54''), so, strange enough, it's the younger people who have been exposed and are exposed to the normal coronaviruses (30'3''), that are probably going to get the most severe symptoms (30'5''). Whereas the elderly at home whose immune system has been pacified over the years (30'11''), will get relatively less - however - in elderly patients with pre-existing illness the slightest - the slightest next insult may be the last straw that brakes the camel's back (30'27''). With young people of course, they would be able to go back to work after 1 or 3 or 4 days of sitting in bed or hospital (30'36'').
Dr. Bhakdi shows: killer lymphocytes come [7]
Bhakdi: the IMMUNE INHANCEMENT: Genetic vaccination is training lymphocides - sleep in the lymph nodes - comes another virus [with the challenge test 6 months later], then comes an over reaction (immune enhancement)
However, however, I warn you: You know, as it's said (30'44''): The intensity of the reaction will predictedly be dependent on the aggressiveness of the immune system (30'55''). If you go and start putting this spike on a wall of your [blood] vessels (31'1''), and this spike gets into your immune system and you say (31'6''): Come on, fight me (31'7''), the lympocytes will be trained in battle (31'12''). It's like sparring ball, you know: boxing (31'16''). And these lymphocytes are then going to expand, clonal expansion, they are going to back to bed in the lymphnodes and wait (31'25''). If now the REAL virus comes by, it infects the lungs (31'31''). Those killer lymphocytes come out and they get really overexcited about all of this (31'37''). What you get is IMMUNE INHANCEMENT of disease [this is the challenge test] (31'43''), IMMUNE INHANCEMENT of disease means. You could do much worse than if you had not had this sparring bouts [provoked by gene vaccinations] (31'52'') - including the productor of antibody [also provoked by the gene vaccinations], ok? (31'55'').
9. NO refreshment of vaccinations - inform yourself - NO health passport
Bhakdi: Stop any refreshment - any more genetic vaccination will provoke a more hyperactive immune system - criminal satanic governments will shout: refreshment has to be against a "new variant"
Second, and probably even worse, if you are foolish enough to get yourself vaccinated in the fall [of 2021 for a "refreshment"] (32'6''), then all these ... say: Now we have to be vaccinated against the next variant (32'10''), something that is so stupid (32'13''), that I cannot believe the Americans who accept (32'17''). But unfortunately I am not sure (32'20''). Don't believe, don't believe this lie guys (32'24''), don't believe it, for God's sake (32'26''). And for God's sake: FORM YOURSELF, for you let yourself and your beloved ones be vaccinated (32'33''), because: If you have been vaccinated once, those lymphocytes (32'36'') - if this happens again [he shows the paper with the pencil in the hole] (32'39''), it will be even more active (32'42''). So, that's why the second vaccination has turned out always to be worse than the first (32'49''). It's the boosteer, right? (32'50''). And guys, don't get a third or fourth or fifth (32'56''), because, if you do that, you are going to contribute to the decimation of the world's population (33'3'').
Newman: What should a normal genetic vaccinated person do now?
Doctor Bhakdi, where do we go from here? (33'8'') - Ahm, now we have got hundreds of millions of people around in the world who have taken these vaccines (33'14''), we have got the [lockdown measures] (33'15''), that is now they are trying to lock us in the place for ever (33'17''), ahm, what do we do? What is a normal person do? (33'20'') - What is an elected official do in the face of what we are dealing with? (33'23'')
[Bhakdi one more time does NOT respond to the question but describes what he and his collegues are doing]:
Bhakdi: Microbiologists try to wake up the world against the corrupt criminal governments
We are trying to get the world to stand up and say: NO! (33'28''). You know, we are more than they are (33'30''). They can't install something that is killing people (33'37''), forever (33'39''). They do, which have to get them to the tribunal somewhere (33'45''). But I have been told that the tribunal has also being bought (33'48''). So, it is a real problem (33'53''). Guys, it's a REAL problem (33'55''). And the only way is that EVERYONE, EVERY THINKING PERSON - homo sapiens - and all of you are educated and intelligent enough (34'9''), to stand up and say (34'12''): This - the limit has been trespassed (34'15''), and we have to do something (34'17'') to protect ourselves and the generations to come (34'21''). If you don't do this, you are heading for living hell (34'27''). And you are taking your children to living hell (34'30''). That's why - you know - but now, many many thousands, tens of thousands of people, are networked across - around the globe (34'45''), and we are really trying to stop it (34'48'').
Dr. Bhakdi about criminal bribed governments: "We have to get them to the tribunal" [8]
Bhakdi: Vaccination passport has to be stopped
You know, this health passport or whatever you call it (34'51'').The UK is going to pass this law in TWO weeks (34'54''), and we are having a meeting tonight - around the globe (35'2''), to see what we can do about (35'3''). It's - the trouble is, you see, that the political agenda is worldwide [working] (35'12''). So all these governments have agreed to do this together, it's no secret any more (35'19''). [Exceptions: states without Corona19 panic are: Bielorussia, Madagaskar, Japan, Uruguay etc.]. You must know this, and when you don't know then you have to inform yourself (35'23''), because otherwise you are [not understandable] (35'25''). And eh, since dilit [?] before us, the big hope that we have that we are more (35'34''), there are more of us (35'36''). There are billions of us (35'39'').
10. 1 to 2% will suffer every round
Newman: Bhakdi has a book? Is there any advice for vaccinated people? Is there any good news?
Dr. Bhakdi, I think this is probably most terrifying interview I have done in my life (35'47''), I've done a lot, you are very alarming (35'51''). I wanna ask you: I mention your book is coming out in German in two weeks, is that going to be translated into English? (35'57'') - Working people find it? And have you any final words with them or anything comforting you know you can say to people whose families have been vaccinated or parents (36'9''), grandparents or if you have any good news (36'12'')?
Bhakdi: Serious side effects [death inclusive] come with 1 to 2 %
Let me say: I talked about the terrifying side effects (36'21''). And I can tell you that the really serious adverse effects have seen in "only" about ONE percent (36'32''), 1 to 2 percent (36'34''). So if you belong to these 98 to 99% that have escaped being taken this time, ah, be happy (36'44''). And I am happy for you, ok? (36'46'') - But don't take it another time (36'48''). You know: if you want trouble, you get trouble (36'51''). Don't do it (36'53''). And stand up and stop the others from doing it (36'57'').
Newman: And your book will be translated into English?
Bhakdi: Definitely (37'6'').
Newman: What's the name so we can look for it? (37'8'')
11. New Book of Bhakdi about Corona19 truth+fraud: "Corona unmasked"
Book by Dr. Bhakdi: Corona Unmasked [9] - The chapter about the vaccination fraud: The Vaccination Craze [10]
Bhakdi has a book prepared: "Corona unmasked"
Corona unmasked (37'15''). Now for you guys: We actually wrote the chapter on vaccination and vaccines in English (37'28''), ok? For the English version (37'30''). And this chapter can be downloaded free of charge from - what the hell is putting this it is from Goldegg - that's the publisher (37'42'').
Book in English: "Corona unmasked. New Facts and Figures" by Sucharit Bhakdi and Karina Reiss. The chapter about vaccinations has got the title "The Vaccination Craze".There is a pre-publication of this chapter (37'45''). If you put this in google, the google come and then you will see, there is a chapter you can just download (37'51''), free of charge (37'53''). Ok? And then it says "English version" (37'56''). You do that, and then, everything that I have said today, is in there (38'2'').
Dr. Bhakdi thank you so much for your courage, thank you for to educate the people of the world (38'12''), thank you for sharing your expertise with us (38'15''), I hope when your book is out in English we can have you back (38'21''). Other scientists are on crosshairs with this truth, they are in trouble with the governments of the world, with the pharmaceutical companies, that don't want criticism, that don't want questions, that don't want facts as it seems (38'45''). Please get this out there, send it to your families, friends and neighbors (38'51''), send it to your lecture officials (38'53''), send it to your governors and your state legislators (38'55''), then your congressmen and your senators (38'57''). We have to get this information out (39'0''). It's just absolutely critical (39'1''). Thank you folks for watching, I am Alex Newman from The New American God bless you all (39'5'').
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Warning from Bhakdi April 17, 2021: Genetic injections with mRNA are lethal syringes with fatal coagulation + fatal immune reactions - to the destruction of the West - video from 17.4.2021: Another warning from Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, How COVID Vaccines "Will Decimate World Population" -- Newman introduces Bhakdi -- Bhakdi: The PCR test is nonsense, is mostly FALSE positive - and the measures are RIDICULOUS NONSENSE -- Bhakdi: The comparison of virus and pieces of the virus - 1 dollar and 1 cent - 20 and 27 cycles of doubling -- Bhakdi: PCR test is 45 cycles doubling for nothing -- Bhakdi: Comparison of PCR test with alcohol test - complete nonsense for quarantine -- Bhakdi: PCR test is giving an alarm also with OTHER viruses - Vodka and vinegar - PCR test is NOT calibrated, but they are testing just for fun -- Bhakdi: PCR test is not calibrated - there is NO virus to calibrate the test! - Complete nonsense for quarantine -- Bhakdi: His mother was a medical doctor - but since 2020, "American" doctors have forgotten all details how medicine works! -- Bhakdi: The empty heads are making propaganda for genetic vaccinations -- Bhakdi: Israel with Pfizer genetic vaccines has turned into a hell - and "America" also will be a hell with it -- Bhakdi: the virus is in the lung cells - but the antibody is in the blood - so there is NO PROTECTION BY VACCINATION! -- Bhakdi: Mortality rate of Corona19 with people under 70 is only 0.05% - NO vaccination is needed! - vaccination makes NO SENSE! -- Bhakdi: The vaccinations were never tested - and elder people are dying in rows now -- Bhakdi: genetic injection with packages of the genes -- Bhakdi: the packages of genes enter the body cells - then a platelet comes and activates blood clotting -- Bhakdi: there develops trash is in the cell [lipid nano particles from the mRNA package?] -- Bhakdi: Nobody knows WHERE the gene packages are taken up by the body cells -- Bhakdi: Clot formation in the brain - cases 1 of 1 million - in the "USA" 300 cases per year - now with genetic vaccinations 100s in months - mass murder - EMA+FDA defense the lethal genetic vaccines (!) -- Bhakdi: Death by clotting - clotting formers are used up - people start bleeding everywhere -- Bhakdi: microbiologists are warning and warning -- Bhakdi: young people with strong immune system have most severe symptoms - elder people with moderate immune system -- Bhakdi: the IMMUNE INHANCEMENT: Genetic vaccination is training lymphocides - sleep in the lymph nodes - comes another virus [with the challenge test 6 months later], then comes an over reaction (immune enhancement) -- Bhakdi: Stop any refreshment - any more genetic vaccination will provoke a more hyperactive immune system - criminal satanic governments will shout: refreshment has to be against a "new variant" -- Newman: What should a normal genetic vaccinated person do now? -- Bhakdi: Microbiologists try to wake up the world against the corrupt criminal governments -- Bhakdi: Vaccination passport has to be stopped -- Newman: Bhakdi has a book? Is there any advice for vaccinated people? Is there any good news? -- Bhakdi: Serious side effects [death inclusive] come with 1 to 2 % -- Bhakdi has a book prepared: "Corona unmasked" --
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