Ingredients 5f6: "Corona" vaccination: mRNA NOT found 01
Ingredients for snake poison vaccinations in Argentina, June 25, 2022: mRNA CANNOT be found! Dr. Martín Monteverde - NO mRNA found of the spike proteine from Sars-Cov-2 in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines -- Video: Pfizer+Moderna June 25, 2022: KEINE mRNA vorhanden! NO mRNA! La Quinta Columna (5'27'') -- The molecular biologist Dr. Juan Garberis examined the "vaccines" from Pfizer & Moderna -- Dr. Martín Monteverde from Santa Fé (Argentina) -- Dr. Juan Garberi in Buenos Aires -- The description -- Juan Garberi, molecular biologist in Buenos Aires -- The compared base pairs -- The result is an empty surface -- "Corona vaccination" = graphene intoxication - and and there is even more liquid medication with graphene
Dr. Martín Monteverde from Santa Fé (Argentina) [29] - Juan Garberi, molecular biologist from Buenos Aires [32] - negative result: the carrier remains empty [34]
presented by Michael Palomino
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Ingredients for snake poison vaccinations in Argentina, June 25, 2022: mRNA CANNOT be found!
Dr. Martín Monteverde - NO mRNA found of the spike protine from Sars-Cov-2 in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines
Video link: https://t.me/ploetzlichundunerwartetverstorbe/2066
Video link on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/znUv3KKLHQ1R/
Ingredients for snake poison vaccinations in Argentina, June 25, 2022: mRNA CANNOT be found!
Dr. Martín Monteverde - NO mRNA found of the spike protine from Sars-Cov-2 in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines [28]
Translation:Video: Pfizer+Moderna June 25, 2022: KEINE mRNA vorhanden! NO mRNA! La Quinta Columna (5'27'')
Video: Pfizer+Moderna June 25, 2022: KEINE mRNA vorhanden! NO mRNA! La Quinta Columna (5'27'')
https://www.bitchute.com/video/znUv3KKLHQ1R/ - Bitchute channel: NatMed-etc. - uploaded on June 26, 2022
The molecular biologist Dr. Juan Garberis examined the "vaccines" from Pfizer & Moderna
In the tested "vaccines", no mRNA of the spike proteins SARS-COV-2 could be reproduced or demonstrated using a specific PCR.
The claimed mRNA from the vaccines has never been proven, not even at the DNA level, because it is digested immediately after injection if it was still present during the vaccination action and if it had not decomposed before already
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👉 Here is good news in German: @Corona_Fakten
The transcript (translation of the subtitles):
Dr. Martín Monteverde from Santa Fé (Argentina)
Good evening, I am the Dr. Martín Monteverde from Santa Fé, Argentina. Today is June 7, 2022 (13 ''). Well, the reason for this short video is to confirm our guess, that the vaccines that are supposedly contain mRNA messengers, so, Pfizer and Moderna, are finally not only full of graphene (38 ''), but also that the supposed mRNA does not exist at all in it (44 '').
A few weeks ago, the Japanese researcher Dr. Nagase, had examined vaccination vials, namely from Pfizer and Moderna, and then found neither nitrogen nor phosphorus in it (59 ''). Already at that moment we suspected that there was no mRNA in the vaccination vials (1'10 '').
Dr. Juan Garberi in Buenos Aires
We have sent the vials which you can see here, they are from Moderna and from Pfizer, to the researchers Juan Garberi, from Buenos Aires, Argentina (1'26 ''). He spent many years at Conicet until he said goodbye there. Nowadays, he is leading an own institute at Buenos Aires (1'39 '').
Juan Garberi is a specialist in chemistry and biology, he is a molecular biologist (1'49 ''). So we sent him a vial from Pfizer and a vial from Moderna. He then made the following: he synthesized the primers, the activatived substances, with the corresponding code of what the mRNA, the messenger substance should be, namely the alleged sequence of the spike protein (2'18 ''). A messenger RNA has a total of 3,700 base pairs. He took 400 of them, let them synthesize (2'31 ''). And according to the laboratory analysis, the messenger RNA would have, it would have to multiply (2'41 ''). But that did not happen (2'43 ''). That's why I would like to show you the result of this investigation in Argentina, a molecular biological research concerning Pfizer and Moderna (2'58 ''):
The description
This is the description [of the vials with their batch numbers]. We sent him the Moderna vaccine and the Pfizer vaccine that came from vaccination centers in Argentina (3'15 '').
Juan Garberi, molecular biologist in Buenos Aires
This is the researcher, Juan Garberi, a great person and a great scientist and very committed (3'26 ''). And we say thank you very much and send him a hug (3'32 '').
The compared base pairs
This is the excerpt of mRNA base pairs that was compared (3'42 '').
The result is an empty surface
And this is the final result: it is a negative result. Because if it had reproduced, this should be visible. On this carrier comes a blue color over a violet purple band (4'2''). A blue color which comes with nothing [there is nothing on it], means that there was no replication of the mRNA that it does not exist at all (4'11 ''). Because there is no mRNA in the Pfizer and Moderna vials (4'17 ''). In other words, they have not only lied to us in the senses that they have introduced the graphene, micro and nano circuits into all Covid19 vaccines (4'30 ''), but they also lied to us because the alleged mRNA does not exist in the vaccines (4'38 '').
"Corona vaccination" = graphene intoxication - and and there is even more liquid medication with graphene
I take this opportunity to say to the entire population that we are poisoned with graphene oxide, which is not only in the Covid19 vaccines, but [this graphene poisoning passes] also happens
-- in tooth anesthesia
-- in physiological serums in hospitals
-- in the injectable Diclofenac
-- Decadron
-- in the injectable Dexamethasone
-- in eye drops (5'2 '').
They give us graphene with all kinds of means, so it is a very serious situation. And we therefore advise everyone to start to take care of themselves (5'13 ''), specially with regard to infusion medication, regarding to all kinds of vaccines, and it has also to be observed what happens to the food that we consume (5'21 ''). Thank you (5'24 '').
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Ingredients for snake poison vaccinations in Argentina, June 25, 2022: mRNA CANNOT be found! Dr. Martín Monteverde - NO mRNA found of the spike proteine from Sars-Cov-2 in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines -- Video: Pfizer+Moderna June 25, 2022: KEINE mRNA vorhanden! NO mRNA! La Quinta Columna (5'27'') -- The molecular biologist Dr. Juan Garberis examined the "vaccines" from Pfizer & Moderna -- Dr. Martín Monteverde from Santa Fé (Argentina) -- Dr. Juan Garberi in Buenos Aires -- The description -- Juan Garberi, molecular biologist in Buenos Aires -- The compared base pairs -- The result is an empty surface -- "Corona vaccination" = graphene intoxication - and and there is even more liquid medication with graphene
Photo sources
photos are from the video NO mRNA:
Video link: https://t.me/ploetzlichundunerwartetverstorbe/2066
Video link on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/znUv3KKLHQ1R/