Spitalnotstand kriminelle
Apotheke ("USA") 7.8.2022: Apothekerin gibt zu: Vor
den "Coronaimpfungen" wird NIE gewarnt, weil sonst
niemand mehr impfen würde (!):
Schock-Anruf: Vater ruft Apotheke an, nachdem sein
Sohn (7) einen Impfschaden erlitten hat
(orig. Englisch: Father Whose Son Developed
Myocarditis Gets Pharmacist to Admit They're
Omitting the Truth)
Impfschäden Schweiz Coronaimpfung, [07.08.2022 17:34]
Video-Link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/O2BEWeVy4SiC/
Transkript: https://thevigilantfox.substack.com/p/father-whose-son-developed-myocarditis?sd=pf
Video: NYC Aug7, 2022: "Corona vaccine":
criminal pharmacist hiding side effects f not
frightening parents (7'49'')
NYC Aug7, 2022: "Corona vaccine": criminal
pharmacist hiding side effects f not
frightening parents (7'49'')
- Bitchute-Kanal: NatMed-etc. -
hochgeladen am 8.8.2022
Video-Link: https://rumble.com/v1f074n-father-whose-son-developed-myocarditis-gets-pharmacists-to-admit-theyre-omi.html
Ein „schockierendes Telefongespräch“ zwischen einem
wütenden Vater und einer Apothekerin geht derzeit in
den sozialen Medien viral. Während des Gesprächs
verrät die Apothekerin, warum die Eltern nicht über
ernste Nebenwirkungen informiert werden.
Der Vater erklärte, seine Frau habe seinen
7-jährigen Sohn gegen seinen Willen in der Apotheke
impfen lassen und der Junge liege nun mit einer
Herzmuskelentzündung im Krankenhaus. Der Mann fragte
die Apothekerin, warum sie die Menschen nicht über
mögliche Nebenwirkungen informieren.
Die Apothekerin entgegnete, dies könne Eltern
abschrecken, sodass sie ihr Kind nicht impfen lassen
„Sind Sie völlig verrückt geworden?“, fragte der
Vater. „Wollen sie niemanden verschrecken? Sie
müssen die richtigen Informationen geben! Was ist
los mit Ihnen? Ich nehme auch dieses Gespräch auf,
und das geht an einen Anwalt. Danke, dass Sie das
Der Vater wies ferner darauf hin, dass 20 Prozent
der Patienten mit Myokarditis innerhalb von fünf
Jahren sterben, dass die Schäden dauerhaft sind und
dass der Junge aufgrund der Punktion wahrscheinlich
eine Herztransplantation benötigt. „Weil du meine
Frau nicht erschrecken wolltest!“
Die Apothekerin behauptete daraufhin, dass die
Risiken der Impfung den Nutzen nicht überwiegen.
Der verärgerte Vater fragte sie, ob sie der
nächsten Mutter, die ihr Kind impfen lassen will,
sagen werde, dass ein anderes Kind jetzt wegen der
Impfung ein geschädigtes Herz hat. „Das kann ich
nicht beantworten“, sagte die Apothekerin.
Der Mann, der in New York arbeitet und in
Neuseeland lebt, sagte, sie werde sich vor Gericht
verantworten müssen. „Sie haben gerade zugegeben,
dass Sie das nicht zu den Leuten sagen, weil Sie sie
nicht erschrecken wollen. Ich habe alles
Die Apothekerin sagte dann, dass sie nicht
diejenige war, die den Piekser verabreicht hat.
„Mein Kind ist schwer verletzt! Dafür sind Sie
verantwortlich. Was werden Sie jetzt tun? Sie haben
ein Leben ruiniert! Und das alles nur, weil Sie den
Menschen nicht sagen wollen, dass diese Impfstoffe
gefährlich und tödlich sind“, sagte der Vater und
nannte die Frau eine Mörderin.
Daraufhin beschimpfte der Mann die Apothekerin,
woraufhin das Gespräch beendet wurde.
Das Transkript: Die entscheidende Stelle:
Father: She [my
wife] told me that she was not told that was a
potential side effect. So why wouldn’t you have told
her that?
Pharmacist: Okay
— sorry. So it’s quite a rare side effect as well.
Father: No, it’s
not. No, it’s not because I’ve been doing research;
it’s common. In the US, there’s tens of thousands of
them [myocarditis cases] reported to the CDC site.
So why are you not telling parents this?
Pharmacist: We
might scare the parents, and they don’t want to get
their child vaccinated.
Read the full
transcript on Substack: https://thevigilantfox.substack.com/p/father-whose-son-developed-myocarditis?sd=pf
Das GANZE Transkript:
Father: Are you a
Pharmacist: Yes, how
can I help?
Father: Yeah. Hey, I’ve
got a question. My wife, against my wishes,
brought my seven-year-old son a few days ago for a
COVID jab, and he’s now in the hospital with
myocarditis. And I was obviously not very happy
with you guys or with my wife. She told me that
she was not told that was a potential side effect.
So why wouldn’t you have told her that?
Pharmacist: Okay —
sorry. So it’s quite a rare side effect as well.
Father: No, it’s not. No,
it’s not because I’ve been doing research; it’s
common. In the US, there’s tens of thousands of
them [myocarditis cases] reported to the CDC site.
So why are you not telling parents this?
Pharmacist: We might
scare the parents, and they don’t want to get
their child vaccinated.
Father: So you don’t
want to scare the parents with something that is
actually happening, that’s happened to my kid? Are
you out of your mind? Are you out of your mind?
You don’t want to scare them? You need to give
them the right information so they can make a
proper decision! What is wrong with you? You don’t
want to scare them. I’m recording this
conversation as well, and this is going to a
lawyer next. Thank you for admitting that. So why
don’t you tell them? When someone comes in there
and says, “Hey, what can go wrong?” What do you
say? “Sore arm”? Have you seen the amount of dead
people? Have you seen it?
Pharmacist: Has your
wife asked before giving consent to give [the
child the shot]?
Father: She asked what
the side effects are!
Pharmacist: She asked?
I’m not sure because I wasn’t there.
Father: It doesn’t
matter! You’re supposed to tell people this can
happen. So you know what the prognosis is? You
know what it is? Possible death within five years.
20% of people with myocarditis die! It is a
permanent, damaged heart. It is not temporary!
He’s facing a heart transplant because of you!
Because you didn’t want to scare her! You know no
kids have died from COVID, not a single healthy
kid, and you’re giving this stuff out, and you’re
not warning people? What is wrong with you?
Pharmacist: So there
are information online that you can look up —
Father: No! No! You
gave the shot. When someone comes in there and
asks what the side effects are, you don’t NOT say
because it might scare them from the shot. What is
wrong with you?
Pharmacist: So the
benefit of getting a vaccination is — solely
giving a vaccination because the benefits outweigh
the risks.
Father: No, it isn’t!
Do you know I’m looking at a Johns Hopkins study?
There have been 400 people under 18 die in the
United States. 330 million people. Not one of them
was healthy. They had cancer, leukemia, obesity,
something wrong with them. Not one kid has died or
ended up in the hospital. So the benefits are ZERO
to my kid! Why did you not tell them? It’s up to
you to tell them. Then we make a decision. Not
you! You tell us, “Okay, it’s rare, but it
happens. You didn’t tell her that, did you?
Pharmacist: I’m not
sure. I wasn’t the vaccinator —
Father: You said you’re
not doing it. So when the next kid walks in there
with a mother for a shot, are you going to tell
them, “Hey, I just got a call from someone; their
kid’s heart is destroyed. Keep that in mind; that
can happen.” Are you going to tell them that? Are
Pharmacist: I cannot
answer you that.
Father: Well, why can’t
you because it’s going to go in a court, and
you’ll answer it. You just admitted that you don’t
tell people because you don’t want to scare them.
It’s recorded; I’ve recorded everything.
Pharmacist: Sorry, I
wasn’t the pharmacist that did the vaccination.
Father: It doesn’t
matter; you just said it! You just said that you
don’t tell people.
Pharmacist: I don’t
know what the situation is, so I don’t know what
she told in the vaccination error. I’m not sure. I
cannot speak on behalf of the pharmacist that
Father: You just told
me you don’t tell people because you might scare
them. I have it on a recording. You want me to
play it back? Every call — because I’m in finance
— every call is recorded. Every email I sent is
recorded. Every message I sent must be recorded
because I work out of New York, and I live in New
Zealand. It’s all recorded because the SFC
requires it. You are recorded. So you’re telling
people — you’re not telling them they could get
damaged, so in case you scare them from taking a
shot that can kill them, right? Is that correct?
Are you brain dead? What is wrong with you?
Pharmacist: Sorry, I
don’t think we should con — continue this
Father: No, we should
because are you going to tell people this is a
risk when they come through there? My kid’s
screwed! You screwed him. What about everyone
else? What are you going to do? You ruined a life!
It’s on you for the rest of your life. This kid is
screwed because of you because your policy there
is to not tell people that these vaccines are
dangerous and deadly. Have you seen all the people
dying in their sleep? Hundreds of them? Have you
seen yesterday? An NFL first-round draft pick, 24
[years old] died? An NBA first-round draft pick
died four days ago, dead after the shot. Are you
seeing that? Are you sitting there in your bubble
collecting your 50 bucks every shot you give, you
murderer? So what are you going to do? Are you
going to tell parents? Are you going to say,
“Look, this is what can happen; it’s not a sore
shoulder”? That’s usual, but they can ruin their
lives. How do you feel about that you’re ruining
lives? Are you going to tell them or not? Are you
going to continue to do this?
Pharmacist: Um — that’s
not the decision that I make.
Father: It isn’t? So
you’re just going to tell people, “Oh, nothing can
go wrong,” and more kids are going to end up in
the hospital with ruined hearts, right? That’s the
plan? Because you can’t make that decision. And
you’d hate for them not to take the shot, eh?
Because then you don’t get your 50 bucks, do you?
Pharmacist: So we
always ask consent for the parent before we do the
Father: Yeah, but you don’t
tell them what can go wrong! Of course, you asked
consent. The parent came there with that kid. It’s
obvious consent. Why are you not telling them what
can go wrong? I’m sure they’re asking. But you’re
like, “Oh, no. Nothing goes wrong. Just a sore
shoulder.” Right? You don’t tell them that the
crazy guy called you and said his kid’s life is
ruined because of what you did a few days ago. Do
you or will you? You are sick! You are sick! You
are twisted. You are evil. You’re a monster.
You’re wrecking lives. You’re killing babies.
You’re killing children. You’re killing mothers.
You’re disgusting. Totally disgusting. Do you not
see that? You need to at least tell them “This can
go wrong,” because when you don’t, this happens!
Don’t you see that?
The next part is very expletive. I do not
agree with the name-calling here, but I do
understand the frustration from the parent.
Father: Are you so f*cking
stupid? You f*cking murdering bitch! F*ck! And
you’re going to continue to do it! “Oh, I don’t
make that.” You f*cking moron. You are f*cking
sick in the brain. You are f*cking mentally
End call
Everyone needs to hear this groundbreaking
conversation with this stunning admission from the
pharmacist. The pharmacy she’s part of is
INTENTIONALLY omitting the truth from parents
because if they told them otherwise, “it might scare
them.” Even after hearing, in detail, the harm her
pharmacy caused, she is unwilling to change her
behavior because “that’s not the decision that I
make.” Sadly, such cowardly behavior is running
rampant across the world.
The good news is that most parents have woken up to
the truth, and only a tiny percentage of them are
lining up their kids for this stuff. You can read
more about that story below.