Ladies and Gentlemen of Australian Authorities,
forest fires are reduced with ponds and lakes in the
forests. See here my data:
First: Deserts can be converted ALL into forest:
There are different ways for this, but all are
relatively simple:
forest reforestation goes with the methods of
permaculture with mull, with holes, with humus, with
dung in the holes, with low dams and ditches
Second: Reforestation with trees, shrubs, AND
Reforestation does not only work with forest with
trees and shrubs, but also with PONDS+LAKES
(this point is always forgotten in the discussion!)
because with ponds+lakes, the groundwater
level is kept high and the territories
don't dry out - and there is income with fish and crabs
there will also be swimming sports:
Example: Permaculture farm of pioneer Sepp Holzer in
Austria has got 72 ponds - and they make a high income
with crabs:
In such a landscape with ponds and lakes never a fire
will break out.
The same problem exists in California and in Spain:
-- there is no reforestation
-- there are no pond nor lake systems, groundwater
levels are sinking to nowhere instead of rising and
people go or at the coast lines salty ground water from
the sea is coming in and drinking water becomes salty
-- all is dried out
-- and fires are spreading fast.
Saving a landscape with a lake: Portugal with
China for example has greened the high desert "Loess
Plateau", or Ethiopia is regreening since 20 years with
many ponds for groundwater levels:
So: reforestation does not only consist of forest,
but also of PONDS+LAKES, and
fish and shrimps and swimming life will be delicious.
So: when firemen in Australia claim today that "green
policy" is guilty for the fires of today because the
shrubs were not fired away regularly, this is only half
of the truth: ponds and lakes are missing and with ponds
and lakes the groundwater levels will rise and greening
and rainfalls will come from itself.
For creating ponds and lake systems natural dams are
created or big hollows are created. With the material
artificial mountains are created and landscape becomes
varied. Pioneer Sepp Holzer in Austria also works with
natural dams and hollows - and it works! Forest garden
comes in Portugal in Tamera, and forest fires have gone!
Geoff Lawton from Australia should manage this in
Australia, he is the expert for permaculture and managed
many projects already:
I don't know why he is not doing this in Australia.
Permaculture pioneers John D. Liu and
Geoff Lawton in Jordan in stony and rocky Petra region
See the works of Geoff Lawton on Mossad's Wikipedia
(state of Jan. 2020):
Works of Geoff Lawton:
- Lawton, Geoff. "Brick and Tile
Permaculture" (PDF). Permaculture
International Journal No. 51. Retrieved 4
December 2017.
- "The Sleeping Jaguar" (co-author), Permaculture
International Journal
- "Ecuador" (co-author), Permaculture
International Journal
- "Permaculture Aid in the Balkans", Permaculture
International Journal
- "Future Food Security", Green Connections
Films of GeoffLawton:
- Harvesting Water the Permaculture Way
- Establishing a Food Forest (2008)
- Introduction to Permaculture Design
- Greening The Desert II (2009)[11]
- Permaculture Soils (2010)
- Urban Permaculture (2011)
- Green is the new Silver (Lining): Crisis,
Hope, and Permaculture (2019)
THIS should also work in AUSTRALIA - but with
ponds and lakes! THIS was the mistake:
not installing ponds and lakes...
Kind regards,
Michael Palomino, Lima, analysis since 1992
Sent to Australian authorities:
Intelligence Commission: acic.secretariat@acic.gov.au
Australian Federal Police: commissioner@afp.gov.au
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare:
Department of Agriculture: info@agriculture.gov.au
Geoscience Australia: sales@ga.gov.au