Hello ...,
I am translating all the time in the energy sector
- when you are interested in clean energy here are 3
here I found a good hot water example for a compost
Video: Compost-Powered Water Heater
provides Free heat for the Hot Tub and helps me grow
organic food (2'30'')
Video: Compost-Powered Water Heater provides Free hot
water for the Hot Tub and helps me grow organic food
- YouTube Channel:
Compost pile produces warm water
day and night all year long
And when this wood chip compost heating plant is
finished after one year, good compost earth comes out.
Power buoy in rivers
And when there are rivers with some drift, power
buoy can be installed for clean electric energy:
Power buoy by
Fritz Mondl (Austria)
The inventor Mr. Mondl is in Austria and has got the
web site
Wave power plant for people on the wild sea
In 2011 the first big wave power plant was
installed in Europe in Spain: Mutriku - and add to
this, there are 2 little ones: 1 in Scotland, and 1 on
the Azores Island:
Wave power plants can be built on about 20% of all
coast lines for getting clean energy without waste.
Wave power plant of Mutriku
(Motrico) in Spain, inaugurated in 2011
Perhaps you can integrate these topics in your web
site or you know people who can copy the compost pile
and power buoy or wave power plant ideas with own
experiments or installing for getting rid of damaging
atomic and wind turbine power.
Warm regards, Michael Palomino, Lima
VK: https://vk.com/mpnatronetc