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von / by Michael Palomino (ab 2019)

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nach oben

E-mail Sep.16, 2019: about 3 energies: compost pile - power buoy - wave power plant
qCompost pile
                          with wood chips produces warm water during 1
Compost pile with wood chips produces warm water during 1 year

E-mail Jan. 14, 2020: Australia: reforestation with trees+shrubs+ponds+lakes - NO fires any more
72 ponds+lakes on permaculture
                          farm "Krameterhof" of Sepp Holzer in
                          Austria  Sepp Holzer
                          regreened Tamera region in Portugal with a
72 ponds+lakes on permaculture farm "Krameterhof" of Sepp Holzer in Austria - Sepp Holzer regreened Tamera region in Portugal with a lake
