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Energy without end: Stream power plants 03: stream buoys 02 with details

Pionier concerning stream buoys is Mr. Fritz Mondl from Austria - web site: www.aqualibre.at

Pioneer Fritz
                Mondl, portrait   A stream buoy
                prototype, here is the model with the best electricity
                production   A stream buoy
                prototype, here is the model with the best electricity
Pioneer Fritz Mondl, portrait [18] - A stream buoy prototype, here is the model with the best electricity production [8,15] - web site: www.aqualibre.at
A strem buoy prototype, there
                is a propeller turning in the water   The stream buoy
                winning model is installed in the Danube, behind a
                marker buoy  Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl 2017, cross
                section with labeling: Bow, cable rake, inlet,
                generator, rotor, diffuser  The power increase of the
                new buoy model with funnel shape is exponential to the
                increase of the flow velocity of the current: at 1.5m/s
                10kW, at 2m/s just under 20kW, at 2.5m/s 30kW, at 3m/s
                50kW, at 3.5m/s 80kW, at 3.75m/s 100kW
A strem buoy prototype, there is a propeller turning in the water [13] -- The stream buoy winning model is installed in the Danube, behind a marker buoy [16] -- Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl 2017, cross section with labeling: Bow, cable rake, inlet, generator, rotor, diffuser [28] -- The power increase of the new buoy model with funnel shape is exponential to the increase of the flow velocity of the current: at 1.5m/s 10kW, at 2m/s just under 20kW, at 2.5m/s 30kW, at 3m/s 50kW, at 3.5m/s 80kW, at 3.75m/s 100kW [30].

The stream buoy can be placed e.g. in the Danube, Elbe, Rhine, Neckar, Inn, Oder, Neisse, Aare, Rhone, Seine, Po, Spain, China, India, Thailand, Nile etc.


presented by Michael Palomino (2014 / 2022)

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Dec22, 2010: Pioneer Fritz Mondl developed the stream buoy - 1 stream buoy for 30 households [as of 2010].

Video: Strom-Boje® - Report for EnergyGlobe Award (1080p) (1'21'')
(orig. German: Strom-Boje® - Bericht für EnergyGlobe Award (1080p)

Video: Strom-Boje® - Report for EnergyGlobe Award (1080p) (1'21'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmdXFILgJpo - YouTube channel: AquaLibreAT - installed on Dec.22, 2010

Web site: www.aqualibre.at

Video log:

Mr. Fritz Mondl was trained as a graphic artist and industrial designer. Today he is self-employed (17''), living in Vienna and is a grandfather of 4 (22''). One of his hobbies is rowing [e.g. on the Danube] (25''). He is familiar with streams in big rivers, he knows what force is in the current (28'').

Joching in Niederösterreich, Karte
                  von Österreich   Fritz Mondl,
                  Portrait   Fritz Mondl beim Rudern auf der Donau
Joching in Lower Austria, map of Austria [1] - Fritz Mondl, portrait [2] - Fritz Mondl rowing on the Danube [3]

During a construction project on the Danube, a red boundary buoy gave him an idea: one should be able to "harvest" the stream energy of the Danube directly as electricity (37'').

Boundary buoy
                  on the Danube   Joching with households on the bank of
                  the Danube   Pioneer
                  Fritz Mondl, portrait
Boundary buoy on the Danube [4] - Joching with households on the bank of the Danube [5] - Pioneer Fritz Mondl, portrait [6].

First he constructed a prototype of the current buoy (44''). Web site: www.aqualibre.at - (44''). The prototype passed all tests, even a high water (47'').

Der Plan einer Stromboje von Pionier Fritz
                  Mondl   Eine Stromboje wird in die Donau gehängt   Die Stromboje-Aufhängevorrichtung
                  schwimmt auf der Donau
The plan of a stream buoy by pioneer Fritz Mondl [7] - A stream buoy is suspended in the Danube [8] - The stream buoy suspension device floats on the Danube [9].

However, there were still problems with the electricity production (50''). Even experts were at a loss. Thus, various prototypes and variants were constructed (58''). The tests took place at the Trial Association for Shipping Techniques (orig. German: Schifffahrtstechnische Versuchsanstalt) (1'2'').

Pioneer Fritz
                  Mondl with co-worker controls the power production of
                  a stream buoy   Pioneer Fritz Mondl on the cell phone   Here, a prototype
                  of a stream buoy is installed being "on the
Pioneer Fritz Mondl with co-worker controls the power production of a stream buoy [10] - Pioneer Fritz Mondl on the cell phone [11] - Here, a prototype of a stream  buoy is installed being "on the hook" [12].

And the surprise was great: That variant, which was predicted to have the lowest performance, was finally the best (1'9''). That was the breakthrough.

Ein Stromboje-Prototyp, da
                  dreht sich ein Propeller im Wasser   Ein Stromboje-Prototyp, da dreht sich ein Kopf  
A stream buoy prototype, there is turning a propeller in the water [13] - A stream buoy prototype, there turns a head [14]A stream buoy
                  prototype, here is the model with the best electricity
A stream buoy prototype, here is the model with the best electricity production [15].

Since then, one stream buoy provides electricity for 30 households [this is the model of 2010] (1'15''). There is no negative impact on wildlife in the Danube (1'20'').

2010: The stream buoy winning model is installed
                  in the Danube, behind a marker buoy
2010: The stream buoy winning model is installed in the Danube, behind a marker buoy [16].

Conclusion: the clean stream buoy can be installed in any wide, ice-free river
This stream buoy can be installed in any wide, ice-free river to produce clean power: In Europe, in Russia, in Asia, in "America", in Australia, etc.
Michael Palomino, Sep 8, 2019


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2010: Video: Pioneer Fritz Mondl receives the Austrian Energy Globe Award

Video: Energy Globe Award Austria 2010 (3'44'')

Video: Energy Globe Award Austria 2010 (3'44'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnPCDL2ee3E - YouTube channel: AquaLibreAT - uploaded on Nov 28, 2010

In 2010, pioneer Fritz Mondl received the Austrian Energy Award:

Pioneer Fritz
                  Mondl with the energy award "Energy Globe"
                  2010   Pioneer
                  Fritz Mondl, portrait   The energy award cup with
                the inscription "Energy Globe"
Pioneer Fritz Mondl with the energy award "Energy Globe" 2010 [17] - Pioneer Fritz Mondl, portrait [18] - The energy award cup with the inscription "Energy Globe" [19].


[2010 to 2017: The funnel-shaped stream buoy
A funnel-shaped stream buoy was developed that produces much more current. The output of the stream buoy is designed as a funnel that provokes suction in the water passing the buoy].


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Nov 19, 2017: The installation of a stream buoy with signal buoy in front - video of pioneer Fritz Mondl

The stream
                    buoy - title of the video [wiht the old stream buoy
                    without funnel]   With the new model with funnel
                    shape, the power increase of the stream buoy is
                    exponential to the increase of the flow velocity of
                    the river's current: at 1.5m/s 10kW, at 2m/s almost
                    20kW, at 2.5m/s 30kW, at 3m/s 50kW, at 3.5m/s 80kW,
                    at 3.75m/s 100kW  The service catamaran with the stream buoy
                    fixes the position in front of the signal buoy
The stream buoy - title of the video [wiht the old stream buoy without funnel] [22] -- With the new model with funnel shape, the power increase of the stream buoy is exponential to the increase of the flow velocity of the river's current: at 1.5m/s 10kW, at 2m/s almost 20kW, at 2.5m/s 30kW, at 3m/s 50kW, at 3.5m/s 80kW, at 3.75m/s 100kW [30] -- The service catamaran with the stream buoy fixes the position in front of the signal buoy [40].

Video: Stream buoy installation and working (7'6'')
(orig. German: Strom-Boje Montage und Betrieb)

Video: Stream buoy installation and working (7'6'')
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MCia49zNFM - YouTube channel: AquaLibreAT - uploaded on Nov 19, 2017

Enjoy the photos from this intelligent cartoon:

Video: Title:
                            Stream buoy. Power from the stream (orig.
                            German: Die Strom-Boje. Strom aus der
Video: Title: Stream buoy. Power from the stream (orig. German: Die Strom-Boje. Strom aus der Strömung) [20]
Stream buoy, sketch by pioneer
                            Fritz Mondl
Stream buoy, sketch by pioneer Fritz Mondl [21]
Stream buoy - title of the video
Stream buoy - title of the video [22]
A stream
                            buoy on a river edge where the current is
                            highest 01
A stream buoy on a river edge where the current is highest 01 [23]
A stream
                            buoy on a river edge where the current is
                            highest 02
A stream buoy on a river edge where the current is highest 02 [24]
Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl from
                            before 2017, the underwater view 01 half
Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl from before 2017, the underwater view 01 half side [25]
Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl from 2017,
                            the underwater view 02 from behind
Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl from 2017, the underwater view 02 from behind [26]
The funnel-shaped stream buoy by Fritz
                            Mondl from 2017, view from above
The funnel-shaped stream buoy by Fritz Mondl from 2017, view from above [27]

Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl 2017,
                            cross-section with labeling: bow, rope rake,
                            inlet, generator, rotor, diffuser
Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl 2017, cross-section with labeling: bow, rope rake, inlet, generator, rotor, diffuser [28]
Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl,
                            view from above, an increase in performance
                            is achieved by installing a funnel-shaped
Stream buoy by Fritz Mondl, view from above, an increase in performance is achieved by installing a funnel-shaped diffuser [29]

With this new model of 2017 with a funnel, the results of energy production are fantastic:
The power increase of the stream buoy
                            is exponential to the increase of the flow
                            velocity of the current: at 1.5m/s 10kW, at
                            2m/s almost 20kW, at 2.5m/s 30kW, at 3m/s
                            50kW, at 3.5m/s 80kW, at 3.75m/s 100kW
The power increase of the stream buoy is exponential to the increase of the flow velocity of the current: at 1.5m/s 10kW, at 2m/s almost 20kW, at 2.5m/s 30kW, at 3m/s 50kW, at 3.5m/s 80kW, at 3.75m/s 100kW [30]

The installation of a stream buoy with a signal buoy in front of it

1. The assembly of a signal buoy

                            service catamaran comes for the installation
                            of the signal buoy
The service catamaran comes for the installation of the signal buoy [31]
                            service catamaran with colums down for
                            fixing the position
The service catamaran with colums down for fixing the position [32]
The service catamaran with colums for
                            fixing the position, view under water
The service catamaran with colums for fixing the position, view under water [33]
The small excavater is
                            drilling a rod in the river's bottom for the
                            anchor chain, 5 to 6m deep
The small excavater is drilling a rod in the river's bottom for the anchor chain, 5 to 6m deep [34]
The rod
                            for the chain of the signal buoy is poured
                            with concrete
The rod for the chain of the signal buoy is poured with concrete [35]
The rod for the chain is cut by saw
The rod for the chain is cut by saw [36]
                            columns of the service catamaran for fixing
                            the position are lifted
The columns of the service catamaran for fixing the position are lifted [37]

2. The installation of the stream buoy

The service catamaran
                            with the stream buoy is coming
The service catamaran with the stream buoy is coming [38]
The service catamaran
                            with the stream buoy arrives, rear view into
                            the funnel of the stream buoy
The service catamaran with the stream buoy arrives, rear view into the funnel of the stream  buoy [39]
The service catamaran with
                            the power buoy fixes the position in front
                            of the signal buoy
The service catamaran with the power buoy fixes the position in front of the signal buoy [40]
The service catamaran with the
                            stream buoy has fixed it's position with the
The service catamaran with the stream buoy has fixed it's position with the colums [41]
The stream buoy gets a chain
The stream buoy gets a chain attached [42]
The stream buoy
                            of Fritz Mondl is sinking into the water
The stream buoy of Fritz Mondl is sinking into the water [43]
After fixing
                            the buoy with a chain on the ground, the
                            service catamaran is lifting it's colums and
After fixing the buoy with a chain on the ground, the service catamaran is lifting it's colums and leaving [44]
The chain goes up to
                            the tie rod with a deflection moon
The chain goes up to the tie rod with a deflection moon [46]
The stream buoy
                            of Fritz Mondl on the chain, view from
The stream buoy of Fritz Mondl on the chain, view from above [45]
The electric
                            cable is fixed along a chain reaching the
The electric cable is fixed along a chain reaching the land [47]
                            power cable ends in a container to control
                            the power buoy, and this is also where the
                            grid feed takes place
The power cable ends in a container to control the power buoy, and this is also where the grid feed takes place [48]

3. The stream buoy during a flood - goes into diving position

The stream buoy of
                                    Fritz Mondl in the river: a flood is
The stream buoy of Fritz Mondl in the river: a flood is coming [49]
The stream buoy in a
                                    diving position during a flood, this
                                    is a good protection 01: There comes
                                    a tree
The stream buoy in a diving position during a flood, this is a good protection 01: There comes a tree [50]
[The combination of the chain with the force of the river
The combination of the short chain with the strong flow during a flood causes the current buoy to submerge completely].
The stream buoy during a flood
                            with a diving self-protection position 02:
                            The large objects float by above the stream
The stream buoy during a flood with a diving self-protection position 02:
The large objects float by above the stream buoy [51]
                                    flood: Fritz Mondl's stream buoy
                                    survives a flood without any damage
Decreasing flood: Fritz Mondl's stream buoy survives a flood without any damage [52]
Fritz Mondl's stream buoy in
                                    the river back to normal level
Fritz Mondl's stream buoy in the river back to normal level [53]

4. Die Wartung einer Stromboje: 2x jährlich und nach Hochwasser

Maintenance of a stream buoy
                                    must be carried out 2 times a year,
                                    as well as after each flood
Maintenance of a stream buoy must be carried out 2 times a year, as well as after each flood [54]
The maintenance of a stream
                                    buoy: the control of the mooring
The maintenance of a stream buoy: the control of the mooring [55]
Maintenance of a stream buoy:
                                    the control of rope rake and rotor
Maintenance of a stream buoy: the control of rope rake and rotor [56]
Maintenance of a stream buoy:
                                    the control of the floater
Maintenance of a stream buoy: the control of the floater [57]

5. Mensch und Tier schwimmen an der Stromboje vorbei

A stream buoy is not a danger
                                    for swimmers, the floater steers the
                                    swimmers around the stream buoy
A stream buoy is not a danger for swimmers, the floater steers the swimmers around the stream buoy  [58]

A stream buoy is
                                    not a danger to a dinghy, the dinghy
                                    passes over the floater's body and
                                    is deflected onto its side
A stream buoy is not a danger to a dinghy, the dinghy passes over the floater's body and is deflected onto its side [59]
In front
                                    of a first stream buoy is a signal
In front of a first stream buoy is a signal buoy [60]

A stream buoy is not a
                                    danger for ducks or swans, the
                                    floater's body directs them passing
                                    the stream buoy
A stream buoy is not a danger for ducks or swans, the floater's body directs them passing the stream buoy [61]
A stream
                            buoy is not a danger to fish, they simply
                            swim through or are repelled by the rope
A stream buoy is not a danger to fish, they simply swim through or are repelled by the rope rake [62]


The development until 2017: 1 stream buoy can supply up to 100 households with electricity:

Sputnik-Ticker online, Logo

Germany May 25, 2019: 16 stream buoys are installed on the Rhine River - up to 100 households per stream boy get electricity - inventor Fritz Mondl has success:
Loreley meets high-tech: Austrian stream buoy conquer the Rhine River
(orig. German: Loreley trifft auf Hightech: Österreichische Strom-Bojen erobern den Rhein)
original: https://de.sputniknews.com/technik/20190525325038733-hightech-oesterreichische-strom-bojen-rhein/
Link im Archiv: https://web.archive.org/web/20201125210659/https://de.sputniknews.com/technik/20190525325038733-hightech-oesterreichische-strom-bojen-rhein/

Photo text: The catamaran "Current Worker" in the Rhine at the height of the St. Goar-Felsen at work

The article (translation):

<Valentin Raskatov

Constant hydropower without damming, ecological consequences and danger for fish - that is the promise of a stream buoy from Austria. 16 of these buoys will soon be floating in the Rhine River generating electricity. A single one of them is expected to supply up to 100 households. Drilling work is already underway in the Rhine.

Hydropower is a renewable energy. Water, dammed by dams, can be accessed as needed and is not dependent on weather conditions like wind turbines and solar panels. However, dams also bring problems. In addition to the massive forced relocation of the local population, as in the case of the Chinese Three Gorges Dam, they can throw entire ecosystems out of balance: Fish can no longer reach their breeding grounds, dangerous bacteria accumulate in the stagnant water - not to mention the danger of dam bursts. For reasons such as these, wind turbines and solar plants are primarily installed in Germany.

[Pioneer Fritz Mondl with stream buoys on the Rhine in Germany]

A technology from Austria now promises a comeback for hydropower and has already secured a site on the Rhine near the famous Loreley Rock. The stream buoy does not change the flow behavior of the river, but uses the water flowing through it for constant power generation. "The stream buoy is so far the only small power plant in the world that works and uses the free-flowing current, without any structural intervention in the river, without any dam, without any rake, completely neutral without any danger for all kinds of creatures and inhabitants of the river," Fritz Mondl, inventor of the buoy, told Sputnik.

[Minimum flow velocity: 2m/s - up to 100 households - 3500 kilowatt hours / year - average depth 2.5 to 3m]

With a rated power of 70 kilowatts, the eleven-meter buoy could generate up to 300 megawatt-hours, or supply 70 to 100 households of 3500 kilowatt-hours per year, depending on "site quality." The "quality" primarily refers to the flow velocity, which should be over two meters per second or 7.2 kilometers an hour for a buoy to be economically viable. In addition, the buoy needs a minimum depth of 2.5-3 meters of the average annual water body in which it will be used. At high tide, it automatically rises on the chain that anchors it to the bottom.

[Model "Stream buoy 3" in large rivers with up to 250,000kWh - 350 stream buoys in the Wachau region - 16 stream buoys on the Rhine]

The final "Stream buoy 3" (German: Strom-Boje 3) was originally designed for large rivers such as the Danube or the Inn, emphasizes Mondl. There, it could generate between 200,000 and 250,000 kilowatt hours a year, he says. "In the Wachau, we could make the whole region self-sufficient in electricity with 350 stream buoys," says Mondl. But apart from a prototype buoy that has been in use in the Danube since 2016, no other buoys have made it into rivers in Austria. That's because of the myriad legal requirements, Mondl said. These have turned out to be far less extreme in Germany, which is why the first water park of a total of 16 buoys will be built on the Rhine.

[Rhine: German test program using cameras to monitor fish behavior in the Rhine around a stream buoy]

Or in better words: it's in the making. Because the company "Middle Rhine UG" ("MittelrheinStrom UG") has already had the first eight moorings drilled there and is waiting for the stream buoys, which are to be delivered in half a year, the co-founder of MittelrheinStrom, Norbert Burkart, told Sputnik. However, the power company is expected to receive a pre-series model of the buoy in the near future, with which it will meet the requirements: Among them, fish monitoring with a camera and net to test how the technology affects the Rhine's swimming inhabitants.

"There used to be a lot of ship mills on the Rhine," Burkart says. He was very interested in these mills, he says, and at the same time wondered how the current could be tapped in our time. At the same time, Mondl was enjoying great success with his buoy. From 2010 on, the two companies were in contact about this.

And this is all right, thinks Mondl: "Mr. Burkart can certainly generate 300,000 to 350,000 kilowatt hours a year at the site with his MittelrheinStrom UG." But that might not be the most important thing, after all, the region is well supplied. Such parks make sense above all in connection with the switch to renewable energies, because unlike sun and wind, the water in the Rhine flows constantly. This makes the power buoy "base-load capable" and can provide the basis for power supply even when the weather doesn't play along.

[Costs: 1 stream buoy 350.000¤ - with mass production 1 Stromboje 200.000¤ - in 9 months the energy is produced, which was necessary for the production of the stream buoy]

Originally, such a stream buoy costs ¤350,000, but in mass production the price should drop to as low as ¤200,000, Mondl notes. In terms of profitability, that means "we generate the energy needed to make the power buoy in about nine months." The buoys themselves should be able to operate for at least 25 years. They are made of steel and polyethylene, and maintenance is only required on two replaceable bearings every 100,000 hours of operation, Mondl says.>


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